Cuck Swede Takes Own Life After Being Accused of Hitting on Women

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2018

You think that I should pity this man?

No, I’m glad that he’s dead.

The kind of weakness that he put on display absolutely nauseates me. Let me take my edge out for a second and just say that those who are too weak to struggle and fight deserve to die. I think that’s a Hitler quote, but I’m not sure. It could be Conan the Barbarian as well.

Both Germans, so same thing really.


Sweden’s #MeToo movement has come under fire after its most prominent target committed suicide. However, an investigation failed to prove accusations against Benny Fredriksson, a leading figure in Stockholm’s art world.

Fredriksson was the artistic director of the Swedish capital’s arts and culture center Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, and the husband of Swedish opera superstar Anne Sofie von Otter. Last December, he resigned after anonymous reports surfaced in the media that he had sexually abused employees. 

Boohoo. The world has lost another “art director” aka a big fat fucking faggot.

On March 17, while he was accompanying his wife on a singing tour of Australia, Fredriksson took his own life.

In an expansive interview with German newspaper Die Zeit, von Otter lashed out at the #MeToo movement and those who had demonized her husband, telling the paper how her husband had spiraled into the “deepest depression.” She accused the movement against sexual harassment of encouraging a mob mentality. “You can break a person,” the internationally acclaimed mezzo-soprano, 63, added.

The only real shame here is that the Daily Stormer never got a chance to bully this guy to death. We dropped the ball a couple of months ago when this #metoo thing started.

These feminists and fags have officially bullied more people into taking their own lives than we ever have. And that’s a crying shame. What happened to the days when Neon-Nazis were the final boss of the internet, capable of holding life and death in their clammy autistic hands?

We’ve been outdone and outclassed. For shame.

The lefties have now officially killed off more liberals than we ever have.

Perhaps libs are da real fascists after all…