Cute Palestinian Teen Finally Freed After Having Been Kidnapped by Evil Kikes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2018

I said from the beginning that kidnapping and making a martyr out of this girl was the stupidest thing the Jews ever did.

She is cute, fair, young – triggers all male protection instincts and all the “female empowerment” memes.

Kidnapping her and putting her in prison for arguing with a kike was an insane bizarro Sun Tsu.

Now that they’ve let her out, it’s probably even worse.


Ahed Tamimi, the 17-year-old Palestinian who slapped an Israeli soldier in her home village, has been released from prison. The girl, praised by many as a symbol of the Palestinian resistance, has returned to the West Bank.

The Palestinian teenager and her mother left prison on Sunday after completing an eight-month sentence for slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers. Tamimi’s family arrived at a checkpoint in the West Bank, where they spoke briefly to reporters before heading to their home village of Nebi Saleh.

“From this martyr’s house, I say: Resistance is continuing until the occupation is removed,” she said as cited by Reuters. “All the female prisoners in jail are strong, and I thank everyone who stood by me while I was in prison.”

Speaking to the media later in the day, newly freed Tamimi reiterated her call for Palestinians to keep resisting and remain strong. She also spoke about the suffering of political prisoners in Israel, revealing the hardship she had suffered, including often being transported inside a military vehicle made entirely of iron on the inside. She also spoke about how difficult it was to prepare for exams while in jail.

We think of the Mossad as being an intelligent group. But they are apparently not aware of the fact that the internet exists and that the whole world is watching their weird, brutal torture campaign system.

People are really getting angry at Israel. Shitlibs, I mean. And the Holocaust won’t protect them forever.

I think we can start selling Holocaust denial to shitlibs, telling them they hoaxed it so they could abuse Palestinians and claim they’re the real victims.

Honestly. I think this is doable.

Can we get some testing on that? Get in some shitlib BDS groups and post non-political Holocaust denial material.

Such as this.

See what happens.

Getting white shitlibs to hate Jews is a good thing in every way. Firstly, anyone hating Jews is good. Secondly, it brings us closer together.

We do want to unite our people. Even the shitlibs. We all started out as shitlibs, did we not?

We shall forgive.

We just want to be a big family again.