Czech Republic: Afghani Who Attempted to Rape Nurse Not Punished Because of Taqiya

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2017

A Czech court has decided that it is impossible for a Moslem to commit rape against non-Moslems because it goes against their religion.

This is proof that there is no reason to not allow infinity brown people into Europe forever.


Davizi’s indictment was that he had attempted to rape a fifty-year-old nurse last year at the Bulovka Hospital, where he accompanied his three-year-old brother. Davies reportedly came to her, in English told her “Room, room,” and showed her to follow him.

The nurse thought it was because of Davis’s brother. But the young man allegedly seized her wrist and dragged her to his bed, which he was assigned as a family member of the minor. With his other hand, he said he reached for his penis. In the meantime, the nurse began to shout and defend herself. Davizi, according to the applicant, ran his hand twice over his chest. Then she snatched away and ran away. By her actions David had to bruise her wrist.

David denied any guilt. According to him, it was a misunderstanding caused by the language barrier. He only wanted pain medications in his side. “I told her in Pasht language that I needed medication,” Davis explained in the final speech. The same gesture, he said, also showed the summoned physician, but he told him that he did not understand where he was suffering, and he did not give him any medication.

Davis is the son of an interpreter of Czech soldiers in Afghanistan. He has a permanent stay in the Czech Republic until 2026. He is a member of the Czech cricket team, otherwise he works in gastronomy and attends courses in Czech. Due to his father’s health problems, Davis, according to his words, is the breadwinner of the family. According to his words, he professes Islam, which forbids him from engaging in foreign women before marriage.