Daily Stormer Writers Applications: We’re Doing Callbacks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2017

Hey you guys.

We took in hundreds of writer applications and reviewed them. Before the shutdown.

We are now ready to start hiring people, but the few that we’ve tried to contact – the best of them – do not appear to be checking their emails.

I understand it’s been a couple of months and that people were probably using throwaway emails, but please check your email if you made a submission, because we simply do not have the resources to review hundreds more applications.

So please do not email me with applications. In fact, please don’t email me for any reason. I don’t even check it anymore. I skim it, but I don’t open emails that say “hey can you help me with [issue I need help with]” or “hey can you answer [random question].” I’d love to have time to reply to all of your inquiries, but I don’t have a secretary, and it simply isn’t possible to do all of these things that I am supposed to be doing.


Please consider making a monthly pledge on our Hatreon.

That says my name, but it is for the site. None of it goes to me personally, other than my salary.

We’ve also got bitcoin, of course, which is highly appreciated.


We no longer have the PO Box for donations. If you already sent something, I’ll get it, but I’m stopping advertising it now because the forwarding is going to shut off in another month.

As you’ve seen, we are staying online no matter what. Regardless of what they do to us, we are staying online. And eventually, I’m going to get the .com back and we’re going to be back to normal. We are working on that. This jumping around nonsense is not going to go on forever.