DC: Women and Colored Folk Rally for Some Bullshit About Brown People at Behest of Kikes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2018

This woman was especially concerned with family separations. She’s pregnant with two children herself right now – in her arms.

They want the families together.

We want the families together. Or are at least neutral on that matter.

We just want them all to be outside of our country.

Firstly, let me just say the best part of this whole weird debacle was: “this is not our country.”

I could not agree more.

It is not your country.

Now gtfo.


The protest crowds started convening in Lafayette Square on Saturday morning for Washington, D.C.’s “Families Belong Together” rally.

The forecasted scorching temperatures didn’t turn away participants of the protest; they came prepared. Many of them dutifully followed the call to action to wear white — a symbol of “unity and peace” according to the event’s organizers — and they brought fans, umbrellas and coolers of ice for relief. Homemade signs were raised as shields against the beating sun and young children were slathered with sunblock and wore hats.

Among the thousands of protesters that showed up — joining national rallies happening across the country — it was the mothers and families that showed up with their young children, hoisted on shoulders and pushed in strollers, that sent a powerful message. The weeks of media coverage that highlighted the effects of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance policy,” which separated immigrants from their children upon crossing the border, had struck a very personal nerve.





The discussion is over.

Ceridwen Cherry, an ACLU attorney, and her husband David Levine, from the Bloomingdale neighborhood of D.C., showed up intentionally with their young son Rhys to send a clear message. “It’s important to show the administration that families belong together,” Cherry explained. “We want to show them what a 17-month-old looks like, what it would mean for him to be apart from us.”

Well you kikes should go be together as a family in Israel, where brown babies just get their heads blown off if they approach the border – not in our country trying to shove a bunch of brown people down our throats.

You wouldn’t have to worry about family separations in Israel, where they just kill the whole family.

Seriously, I know everyone is tired of the meme: but how can Jews of all people protest the alleged abuse of brown children.

They don’t just murder babies constantly, they kidnap and torture brown children.

Everyone knows this.

How can a Jew with a straight face claim to be a moral authority on the treatment of brown children?

By the Way?

I wonder who organized this emotionally charged protest?

Okay, found their site – familiesbelongtogether.org.

Organization just sprung up to attack Trump over controlling the border.

I wonder who sprung it up?

Let’s just scroll down here…


Who is behind these four groups?

The Leadership Conference on human Rights

National Domestic Workers Alliance

Move On

And do we even have to do the ACLU?

These are all Jewish organizations that organized the event.

The protesters themselves included many Jews.

Meanwhile, in Israel…

Seriously – this is like some kind of sick joke.

JEWS lecturing people on how to treat brown people at their borders.

Paul Krugman says being against immigration is the new “Blood Libel” – how’d he feel about calling “Palestinian children throwing rocks is terrorism and they have to be kidnapped, tortured and murdered to defend Israel’s border integrity” the new Blood Libel?