DELUSIONAL! Literally Who Celebrity Hag Strips Down to Get People to Vote Against Trump

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2018

I hesitate to even share this news with you. Some of you might clearly be dissuaded from voting for Trump’s Republicans once you get a load of this sexy lump of old Jew! 


Comedian and left-wing activist Chelsea Handler stripped nude to promote voting in Tuesday’s midterm elections in a new video she posted on social media.

My leaf fatigue has gotten so serious that I first read that as canadian and not comedian. Because, you know, that annoying leaf celebrity attitude of talking down to Americans.

“You have to vote like your life depends on it! Vote!” Chelsea Handler said in an Instagram story where she appeared naked. 

This post comes as many Hollywood stars are getting involved in the midterm elections in favor of Democrats.

Handler has been engaging in the important act of examining her “white privilege” President Donald Trump’s America.

The 43-year-old said in October that Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court was “just representative of white male power to me.”

“It just looks like a bunch of older white turtles and men who are 85-plus, saying, ‘Women, you don’t get a voice.’ And we have to say no to that,” the Netflix host said.

Turtles? Usually, they go with the term dinosaurs. 

Get it right, please.

Chelsea Handler also believes that the Republican Party is “all white” and believes that rape is okay.

“Republican Party = white male party. They don’t care about women and they don’t care about the future. They care about the past where all white men are in power. Rape is fine. Keep minorities and women down. All white men, oh, and Ben Carson,” she said in September.

Lol. Sounds like you’re just gonna have to deal with that, Chelsea. And because of that fag who chopped his dick off in the army, I now associated your name with a tranny and men all over the US are attracted to you less. See, this is what degeneracy does. It contaminates everything it touches. And now, you’ve made it worse. Now people are going to think gay Canadian tranny old women bitch tits when they think of your name. So congrats on fucking that up for all the other Chelsea’s out there as well, btw.

But yeah, these dirty skanks have always just taken off their clothes to solve their problems and get their way.

They can’t imagine that it won’t work again this time.

This is how pathetic they are. This is the only thing they are good for. Let’s see if we can drive them to suicide by Xanax with our vote.