Denmark: Azkaban Style Island Prison for Criminal Migrants!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2018

Good news!

Ah, I always knew we could rely on the Danes to clampdown on the migrant nonsense!

The Sun:

Foreign-born criminals in Denmark are to be housed on a remote prison island before being deported, it has been announced.

They will stay on Lindholm Island, a 17-acre site in Stege Bay which at its nearest point is one-and-a-half miles from the Danish mainland. 

The last time the Nords put useless parasites on an island… someone exploited the situation.

Now, I’m not saying that the Danes are tempting the next Nordic mass-shooter by dangling such a tantalizing target in front of him – that would be absurd.

I’m saying that they’re setting a trap for the next Nordic mass shooter by luring him in with a juicy target. I can only hope that Breivik’s acolyte doesn’t fall for this frankly transparent scheme.

It will hold convicted criminals with only “tolerated stay” status while their departure is processed.

But low-risk prisoners will still be allowed to travel to-and-from the mainland with a ferry service during the day.

What WAT.

They must check back every night and cannot move freely, Denmark’s conservative coalition government said on Friday.

Funding for the plan was secured with the support of the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DK). 


So we went from migrant Azkaban to a lovely seaside resort that “prisoners” can choose to stay at or not depending on their mood. Way to go, Conservatives!

I wanted this:

And got this:

Some more fighting words from the conservatives:

Minister of Finance Kristian Jensen, from the conservative Venstre party, said inhabitants will “not be imprisoned.”

That’s a relief!

He added: “There will be a ferry service to and from the island, but the ferry will not operate around the clock, and they must stay at the departure centre at night.

“That way we will be better able to monitor where they are.

You know, you can monitor prisoners quite easily if you thrown them in a hole and then throw away the key!

“There are more limits to how much you can move around when you are on a deserted island.

“You are in principle obliged to remain on the island.

Lol. “In principle” you are obliged to do a lot of things. I hope you guys got rid of any boats on the island because “in principle” they could be used to escape.

More and more I am convinced of the “Core vs Periphery Europe” Theory. 

Countries nestled in the Northwest tip of Europe are what I like to call White Locked and its the same concept as being landlocked. Except instead of being surrounded by land on all sides, the Nords were surrounded by White people on all sides.

It made them think that White principles and norms of behavior are universal principles. It insulated them and made them… weird.

Countries on the periphery, who were always fully aware of the snarling and aggressive non-White world seem more grounded and based.

And hey, lighten up!

It’s just an observation.