Denmark Farmers to Pay Cow Fart Tax

So, there’s a program to completely abolish meat.

I mean, rich people will still eat meat. But anyone who isn’t rich is going to be lucky to eat bugs. Bugs are going to be what people want to eat, because otherwise you’ll have to eat soy and seed oils.

The bugs are going to be considered elite among the peasants. If you don’t get the bugs, you’re gonna get the soy, and you don’t want the soy.

Anyway, yeah – the fart tax is just one step on the road to “no meat.” It’s the same with gun control or trannies or whatever. Every step they take is headed towards maxing out everything.

The Guardian:

Farmers in Denmark will have to pay for planet-heating pollutants that their cattle expel as gas, after the government agreed to set the world’s first emissions tax on agriculture.

The agreement – reached on Monday night after months of fraught negotiations between farmers, industry, politicians and environmental groups – will introduce an effective tax of 120 kroner (£14) per ton of greenhouse gas pollution from livestock in 2030, which will rise to 300 kroner per ton in 2035.

The revenues are to be pooled in a fund to support the livestock industry’s green transition for at least two years after the tax comes into effect.

“We are writing a new chapter in Danish agricultural history,” said the farming minister, Jacob Jensen.

Agriculture is responsible for about one-third of planet-heating pollution – about half of which comes from animals – but lawmakers have so far been reluctant to rein in its emissions. Angry farmers have brought traffic to a standstill in European capitals several times this year, in sometimes violent protests that forced EU leaders to water down rules designed to clean up the sector.

Last week, New Zealand scrapped its world-leading plans to tax its agricultural emissions from 2025 after resistance from farmers.

Denmark is one of Europe’s biggest producers of pork and a significant producer of beef and milk.

People could complain about this.

But it doesn’t do anything.

This is a democracy, and no one is responsible for anything, so there is no one to complain to, so they just destroy the meat industry and leave you hoping you get a chance to eat bugs so you don’t have to eat soy.