Did Feminist Hero Kirsten Gillibrand Suck Harvey Weinstein?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2019

The hero of the metoo movement Kirsten Gillibrand who lately declared that she will be going to war with the Apache Warlord Elizabeth Warren to attempt to gain dominance over America, had a longtime relationship with the Jew sex fiend Harvey Weinstein.

Even after the Harvey Weinstein “pussy for stardom” fuck-to-play scandal emerged, Gillibrand continued receiving large amounts of shekels from his personal attorney – in fact, that attorney remained her biggest donor.

Furthermore, she had a long-time political relationship with the disgraced Jewish NY AG Eric Schneiderman, who was actually BASED eyy-eff and enslaved brown women for his sexual purposes.

How Gillibrand was surrounded by the most extreme sex Jews on earth and maintained her position as the leader of the metoo movement in the government is unclear.

What is also unclear:

  1. Did she suck Harvey?
  2. Did she dress up in blackface and play the role of one of Schneiderman’s brown slaves?

I think these are fair questions.

And I hope that when Chief Warren gathers her warband and begins her assault on the palefaces, she makes this a point of attack.

This primary is going to be an absolute bloodbath of historic proportions.

As we’ve said and will keep saying: register as a Democrat so you can vote for /oursamoanjewhatingfagbashinghinducultist/ Tulsi Gabbard.

We have to make certain that Tulsi gets into the debates at the very least, and in order to do that, she needs votes. And yes, the numbers of people that vote in primaries are low enough that the far-right can swing them.