Dindu Shoots Papa John’s Delivery Driver and Robs Him of One Dollar

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2018

If a Black ever asks you for help or the time or water or whatever the chance that they are trying to size you up for a crime is 99.99%.

The 0.01% of the time they are trying to screw with you in some other way.


Cincinnati police officers are looking for the person or people involved in the robbery of a Papa John’s delivery driver.

It happened this past Sunday. Cameron Wagner, 19, was trying to deliver a pizza when someone came up to his car.

“It’s amazing he has made it this far considering he was on life support just two days ago,” said his cousin, Tori Dean. “A man had knocked on his window and he looked up and the guy pointed to his wrist and said what time is it. He was suspicious so he just drove off.”

After taking off to deliver the pizza to a house along the 5000 block of Lillian Drive, he was confronted again by the same suspect who apparently followed him.

“The man came up behind him and was like, ‘Hey do you remember me?’ Then he pulled out the gun and he was like, ‘I asked you what time it was?’ Cameron said, ‘What do you want? I don’t have anything for you.’ And the guy said, ‘Give me all your money!’ ” said Dean.

Dean said Wagner leaped off the porch and ran for his life, but the person followed and shot him in the leg.

Police said all the offender got away with was $1

Cameron Wagner.