Director James Gunn Fired from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Over Pedo Tweets

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2018

Well, he certainly looks the part.

I’ll say this: Guardians of the Galaxy was the only Marvel movie that didn’t completely suck. The sequel was also pretty good. They weren’t masterpieces or anything, but it was solid entertainment.

But the director, James Gunn (not Jew), made a bunch of tweets joking about rape and kiddie diddling, so I guess he has to go.

Hollywood Reporter:

James Gunn is exiting Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

The move comes after conservative personalities resurfaced old tweets Thursday in which the filmmaker joked about controversial topics such as pedophilia and rape. Gunn has been an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump.

Yeah, he’s a shitlib for sure. So his rape and pedo jokes aren’t coming from an edgy /pol/ type of mental space, but have more of a “deranged Hollywood pervert” vibe.

I mean, some of these tweets are kind of funny, but a lot of it is just creepy.

The one where he talks about NAMBLA is kind of…

What does it mean?

On the other hand, he’s got other tweets that seem to be offensive/edgy for the sake of it.

We can all appreciate a good oven Jew joke.

So maybe he was just a weird pervert with Twitter Tourette’s syndrome?


Either way, he’s out.

“The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn said in a statement Friday.

Yeah, I guess pedophilia and rape are inconsistent with Hollywood’s values.


Frankly, if Marvel fans are still willing to watch the garbage they’re coming out with now, then I doubt they’ll care that the movies are being directed by weird perverts who tweet pedo jokes.

But political correctness and #MeToo-ism have grown so powerful and out of control now, that corporations won’t hesitate to sacrifice millions of dollars to avoid a small scandal.

On Thursday, Gunn tweeted in response to the tweets being resurfaced, “Many people who have followed my career know, when I started, I viewed myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling jokes that were outrageous and taboo. As I have discussed publicly many times, as I’ve developed as a person, so has my work and my humor.”

He added: “It’s not to say I’m better, but I am very, very different than I was a few years ago; today I try to root my work in love and connection and less in anger. My days saying something just because it’s shocking and trying to get a reaction are over.”

Yeah, whatever. It’s too late, now. This faggot has somehow managed to offend both normal people with his pedo tweets, and SJWs with the rape and Jew jokes.

Not to mention his cringey anti-Trump shtick.

There’s no apology that will salvage his career now.

The offensive tweets came to light after conservative website The Daily Caller dug up the social media posts, which were mostly posted in 2008 and 2009. Soon after, conservative personalities were tweeting to followers to confront Gunn at Comic-Con. Gunn had been expected to be at Sony’s presentation on Friday. Insiders say Gunn is not expected to be part of the panel now.

Gunn issued a statement on Friday afternoon, saying that he “regretted” the tweets in question and stressed that “they don’t reflect the person I am today.”

The fact that he was fired over a Daily Caller article is pretty interesting. Daily Caller is indeed a conservative news source, and so it’s likely that the overall campaign against Gunn was conducted by conservative normies.

Since when does Hollywood respond to conservative complaints?

But that’s the thing. The whole social media scene has gotten so sensitive and hysterical, that it takes very little to set off a shitstorm on both the conservative and liberal side. Accordingly, even though Gunn is a hardcore Hollywood liberal, SJWs are crucifying him without hesitation at the prompting of a conservative paper like the Daily Caller.

We’re entering a new era, where liberals are no longer watching each other’s back. Now, anything that doesn’t conform to their continuously evolving ideology will retroactively be purged, regardless of political allegiances.