Disgusting Jewess Joan Rivers Says Palestinian Civilians Deserve to be Dead

Daily Slave
August 9, 2014

Joan Rivers – still ugly on the inside and outside despite 6 million plastic surgeries.

The disgusting Jewess comedian Joan Rivers who seems to have a fetish for blood and death recently said that Palestinian civilians deserve to be dead.  Her remarks can be seen in the below video.  Even though it is clear that she meant exactly what she said, Rivers would go on to claim that her remarks were taken out of context.  Her claim is completely false if you watch the video.

It is obvious that she really believes that Palestinians including women and children deserve to be dead.  Other Israeli Jews have literally called for genocide against the Palestinians, so her comments seem to reflect a general feeling among a significant percentage of Jews.


Joan Rivers has delivered perhaps her most shocking rant to date, telling paparazzi at an LA airport that Palestinian civilians in Gaza “deserved to die.”

When asked about the rising death toll in Gaza, the 81-year-old was incensed, telling one photographer:

“The dead? You deserve to be dead. You started it. Don’t you dare make me feel sad about that.”

When told that almost 2000 civilians had been killed, “Oh my God! Tell that to the people in Hiroshima.

“Good. Good. When you declare war, you declare war. They started it,” she said, going on to describe Gaza’s Hamas government as “Terrorists. They were re-elected by a lot of very stupid people.

“They were told to get out. They didn’t get out. You don’t get out, you are an idiot. At least the ones that were killed were the ones with low IQs.”

Joan has already issued an apology — of sorts — for her remarks, placing the blame back on the media for taking her comments “out of context”.