Domestic Oil Production on Rise in Western States Due to Technology, Private Land Production

Kelly David Burke
Fox News
July 23, 2013


North Dakota and Texas get all the press when it comes to America’s domestic oil boom, but production is increasing dramatically in several other states in the American West.

According to the Energy Information Administration, since 2010 oil production has increased 64% in Colorado, 51% in Oklahoma, 46% in New Mexico, 45% in Utah and 23% in Wyoming.

Combined, those states rival the heralded Bakken field in North Dakota. The reason behind the boom is the same as it is in the more well-known oil producing regions: technology.

“In the olden days exploring for oil and natural gas was a much bigger challenge than it is now,” explains Tim Wigley, President of the Western Energy Alliance, an industry association. “And what really has been a game changer has been directional drilling, so now as opposed to having 15 or 20 wells on your property, you have one that can branch out 10 to 15 different ways.”

Wigley is quick to point out that the onshore oil boom is not due to the Obama administration.

“While energy production overall in the country has gone up significantly it is because of private land production, it is in spite of the federal government not because of it.”

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