Duterte: Iceland’s Problem is Too Much Ice

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 13, 2019

I’ve always thought Iceland was a real piece of shit country.

I never connected it to the fact that it is so filled with ice, and that no one there ever does anything but eat ice, but this assessment makes total sense.


Iceland has nothing but ice, and, therefore, fails to understand the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte claimed after the Nordic nation urged a UN human rights body to probe his drug policies.

Iceland filed a draft resolution to the UN Human Rights Council, calling on them to launch an investigation into the controversial ‘war on drugs’ waged in the Philippines under Rodrigo Duterte. Human rights campaigners and some Western politicians accuse the police of extrajudicial killings of dealers and drug users.


They are simply outraged at the death of drug dealers – the most important people on earth, who deserve to be protected, because fuck the societies they destroy.

That is the logic here. Whatever kind of bullshit they feed you, when people tell you drug dealers deserve to be alive, they are telling you that the society they live in deserves to die.

Duterte denies that the instances of such killings are state-sponsored and insists that the harsh measures are necessary to curb powerful drug cartels.

The resolution was passed on Thursday, prompting an angry reaction by Duterte the next day. Known for not mincing his words, the Philippines leader lashed out at Iceland, poking fun at its Nordic climate.

“What is the problem of Iceland? It’s just ice. That’s your problem, you have too much ice, and there is no clear day or night there,” he said during a meeting with corrections officials.

“So you can understand why there is no crime, no policeman either, and they just go about eating ice.”

A remote island nation of just 358,000 people, Iceland enjoys a very low violent crime rate and is often named among the safest places in the world. This is why its politicians are out of touch with the realities of the Philippines, Duterte added.


Very little crime.

Very, very little crime.

Wonder why that is?

Yeah. Being virtually 100% white might have something to do with it.

Just a bunch of blonde-haired elf people living in hobbit villages – not gonna be much violence there.

Unfortunately, some of us are dealing with different issues, which are significantly more complicated.

So maybe Iceland should fuck off, and enjoy their paradise.

And leave the people who have real problems to deal with those problems.

Furthermore, Iceland – you might want to brace yourselves.

Because the beast is coming for you, too.

He’s already got his claws in.