Dyslexic Neo-Nazis Strike Again

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2017

After JCC bomb threats, backwards Swastika’s have emerged as a common weapon for terrorizing Jews.

The phenomenon is notable because: 1) it is widespread, 2) exclusively exists on property only Jews can access, 3) the culprits are never seen and seldom found. The few times the attackers are caught, institutionally anti-Semitic police frame the victims in cases that evoke the memory of the Drefyus Affair or the Mendel Bellis case. Celebrating Rosh Hashanah in the Trump era is no joke.

The “Swazlexic” spidermen have now tagged their calling card on the backdoor of a Charlotte Jewish couple, whose only crime was trying to enjoy the high holy days.

Will the American Dyslexia Association apologize for this hate crime by one of their own?

Charlotte Observer:

A Jewish couple said they discovered a swastika on their backdoor Thursday evening, after they returned home from a Rosh Hashanah ceremony.

Ronald Gale and his fiancee, Traci Kendrick left for the event at Freedom Park around 5 p.m. and returned to their southwest Charlotte home shortly after 6. While they were gone, someone went into their backyard and used a marker to draw a swastika and write “f— you” on their door, Gale said.

The incident left Kendrick feeling sick Friday morning, Gale said.

“There’s a slight fear factor, however, it’s more about the anger,” he said. “We feel violated. This person had the audacity to come into our gated backdoor area to write on our door.”

This isn’t the first time the couple has had antisemitic vandalism directed toward them. Last year, Gale said someone spray painted a large swastika in the street with a stick pointing toward their house on Yom Kippur. Thursday’s graffiti stood out because the swastika wasn’t even drawn properly, Gale said.

“You don’t need to be educated to have hate in your heart,” he said. “That’s what this proves.”

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police are investigating the incident and are in touch with federal officials to determine if the incident is a hate crime, police spokesman Rob Tufano said.

Police have increased patrols in and around the community, and officers have been told to conduct zone checks around synagogues in the city. There is a $1,000 reward for information in the case, Tufano said.

So apparently these vandals are so dedicated to painting Swastikas on random Jewish houses that they will sit outside waiting for said Jews to come out and leave their house for a brief period, break into their backyard in broad daylight to do the deed – yet they don’t even bother to get the objective of their plan right?

Jews are right to be paranoid. Imagine telling a lie so big and stupid – a lie other people like you are known across all 50 states to lie about – and sense (by logical deduction) this as they pretend to believe purely you out of fear of the Anti-Defamation League and the Mayor. Then again, if Jews were capable of feeling shame, they’d celebrate Rosh Hashanah with Jim Jones Kool Aid.

The cops should be ashamed as well. If you’ve ever had your home burglarized or been mugged, you can go make a police report and the officer Trufano’s of the world will listen attentively…then promptly file it in the paper basket once it’s done!

Yet here they are trying to bring in the FBI and putting out a reward for the culprits for what is nothing but a childish vandalism, even though it is unlikely that this wasn’t just the complainers doing it themselves. That’s what it looks like when you live in a two-tiered justice system. Even small Jewish grievances matter more than a Goy’s life in America.

If tomorrow the police department’s of America made Jews caught faking these crimes compensate the municipality for all the money and time they waste, anti-Semitic “hate crimes” in America would plummet. Unfortunately, nobody in uniform has the guts to take on the political machine when it comes to Jews.

The real reason Jews want The Daily Stormer offline is they know their stories are a house of cards. Our last bastion of real journalism, where people have the courage to ask the obvious questions, is indeed a threat to their power and privilege.