EDL Zionist Shill Tommy Robinson to Lecture School Children on “Tolerance”

Daily Mail
January 15, 2014

The former EDL leader, pictured with political and social commentator Mohammed Ansar, has pledged to fight racism
The two pantomime villains Mohammed Ansar and Tommy Robinson, share a tender moment.

The former leader of the English Defence League is to tour schools to lecture children on tolerance, it emerged today.

Tommy Robinson, who quit the party last year because of its ‘extremist elements’, wants to help prepare young students for adult life.

The 30-year-old, who has convictions for assault, drug and public order offences, has pledged to help tackle racism in Britain since he left the far right party.

He is set to start his tour shortly, but the decision to allow into schools has sparked outrage from parents.

‘Given this man’s appalling record for thuggery and his history of inciting racial tension, it beggars belief that he is being ushered into classrooms,’ one told the Mirror.

Robinson has always been controlled opposition and his smooth transition into speaking about racism at schools, after umpteen TV appearances, is just more proof of this.

‘What on Earth has he got to say that’s worth our children hearing? He should just crawl under a rock and keep quiet.’

Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, left the EDL last October, and has received numerous death threats.

He said that he was sorry for creating an ‘us and them’ culture and for causing fear among British Muslims.

He claimed ‘every single Muslim’ was to blame for ‘getting away’ with the July 7 bombings.

Robinson has been mentored by deradicalisation thinktank, the Quilliam Foundation, since he quit his post.

‘Having facilitated his departure from the EDL, he continues to attend our classes to learn more about Islamist extremism,’ a spokesman said today.

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