Eight Years Later, A Second Trump Administration Will Begin with Mass Censorship of the Internet

Previously: Elon Now Mass Censoring People Who Question Replacing White Race with Indian Sewer Scum

Although Laura Loomer is obviously Jewish and a supporter of Israel, most of the other people who have been stripped of their blue checkmarks by Elon Musk on Twitter are critics of the Zionist state.

Stew Peters, for example, was responsible for a recent viral documentary about the Jews, while Jake Shields has been doing regular podcasts with top antisemites.

As far as I’m able to tell by looking at the punished accounts, all but Loomer were critics of Zionism, while the others were critics of both Zionism and the H-1B race replacement agenda. However, there is one Pakistani who lives in the UK, Sulaiman Ahmed, whose content is mostly about Israel and doesn’t appear to have been commenting on H-1B, which wouldn’t really have anything to do with him.

I found this tweet, where he mentions that Indians have found themselves in the “above criticism” category with the Jews.

But that is after the fact; he’s noting it after his check was removed and his subscribers canceled.

While browsing his account just now, I found this:

Pretty good.

Going after Loomer was a wildly extreme move, which, if there was anything behind it other than Musk’s temper tantrum toddler personality, was meant to send a signal to everyone on the site that it is not just criticism of the Jews that will be censored.

What appears to be happening is that Elon Musk will use his control of Twitter to try to shape the narrative of right-wing media during the Trump administration, and that anything he does not agree with will be punished. Basically, it appears that he bought the site to use it for the exact same purpose that Democrats used it for before he bought it.

We have seen that this kind of targeted censorship is virtually impossible to maintain, however. Before Musk bought it, Twitter had become so unusable as a result of the censorship that it was uninteresting to everyone (both right and left, as the purpose of the site is largely arguing with opponents, as there are other social media that feed you things you like), and most of the staff that Elon laid off was an ever-expanding censorship team.

What would have been smart for Elon would be to lean into shadow banning and various other forms of algorithm manipulation. The media called shadow banning a conspiracy for years, as it was difficult to prove definitively, which gave plausible deniability. This is very obvious. If you can reduce someone’s exposure by 95%, and still claim to be a representative of free speech, that is clearly what you want to do with 99% of your opponents (I would apparently be in the 1% that is so dangerous you just have to ban them outright).

I’ve also seen several screenshots showing that a lot of popular anonymous accounts were banned outright for questioning the H-1B agenda, and probably for talking about Israel. None of those I saw were “real people” with names or even particularly popular anon accounts, but there does appear to have been large scale mass-banning already, so anyone arguing that removing the checkmark is somehow “not hard censorship” can’t use that weasel logic. Although you could argue that simply banning a person from running ads is “soft censorship,” restricting access and reach, including through this checkmark removal de-ranking system Musk has invented, is “hard censorship.”

What’s more, it’s also an Indian-like scam that he’s kept all of these people’s money after they paid for their blue check subscriptions. “Sorry saar, no refunds saar.” I don’t know why anyone would be surprised. Tesla was always an industrial-scale version of Indian-style welfare fraud.

While I was banned less than 3 months into Elon’s reign, and had been purposefully avoiding anything even remotely edgy (to the point where everyone on this website was complaining that my feed was too boring to read), and therefore understood that “free speech” was a total hoax, most people actually believed in it. Now, the censorship is blowing up, and there isn’t really any way to defend it. The bloated Irish drunk Steve Bannon is pulling out all the stops attacking Elon, and the mainstream media is covering that, and they are covering Laura’s situation. This is just incredibly stupid, to blow the whole wad like this before Trump is even in office, for literally no reason.

As I’ve said: there was no reason to even go out and talk about the H-1B system at all. Elon very easily could have used the algorithm of Twitter to bury this topic and the rest of the “right wing” media wouldn’t have made a big issue of it. Even still, Murdoch media is reporting that this discussion is about “highly skilled immigrants,” which is “safe and effective” levels of gaslighting. There is a totally separate category of visa for “exceptional” people, an O-1 visa.

This would hopefully be merely dozens of people per year, certainly less than 1,000, and I doubt that even hardcore racists would be able to make much of an issue of it.

H-1B is explicitly for non-exceptional people, and is instead for what might be called “emergency workers,” i.e., when you cannot find a person to fill the job in America and the only way to fill the position is to go outside of America. You’re supposed to have to prove you tried to hire Americans before you did the H-1B. The Department of Labor rule reads: “Such employers must take good faith steps to recruit U.S. workers for any job for which they seek H-1B workers.” They are also required to claim they are paying the H-1B the same salary they would pay an American.

Yet, it has been well-documented by the mainstream media itself that this procedure is never followed and there has never been an attempt to enforce it. A 2015 New York Times article explained that Disney had forced its primarily white staff to train their own replacements who were brought in on H-1B, which is the most extreme possible fraud on a visa system that is supposed to require you to vow that it’s impossible to hire an American for the job.

Musk turned this H-1B agenda, which flies in the face of Trump’s basic stated agenda as much as anything possibly could, into the biggest story in the world. He rolled out an actual Indian to claim that Indian culture is superior to that of white Americans, and said he would die before allowing whites to have jobs.

In 2023, Bloomberg reported that in the wake of Floydmania, only 6% of new hires at S&P 100 companies were white.

That statistic is virtually unbelievable, but insofar as we have any way to determine what is going on with white men in the workplace, it has to be something like that.

The Trump administration’s stated agenda is to systematically lock real Americans out of the workplace even further, based on the stated premise that they are inferior to Indians, and then silence them if they take issue with this agenda. And before you say “Trump didn’t say all that,” please note that both Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are members of the Trump Administration.

Back in Total Orwellian Censorship at the Beginning of a Trump Administration!

It is bitterly hilarious that 8 years after the first mass censorship campaign, a second Trump election victory has taken place and we are entering a second phase of mass censorship. And don’t kid yourself, that is what this is: Elon is not going to censor less in the future. No one ever decides to do less censorship.

We need to continue to build outrage over all of this. Everyone still allowed on Twitter should be tweeting about nothing but this (and Israel) and provoking Elon into doing even more censorship.

Remember: if censorship is happening and there are people who are not being censored, then those people are either non-threats or they are active agents of the censors. Outside of something very basic and straightforward like “okay, I won’t say the n-word,” trying to avoid censorship by self-censoring either makes you useless or simply won’t work.

When I became the first person to be mass censored off of everything (still the most censored, by the way), people said “oh, it’s because you used such outrageous language.” Then everyone who tried to be so polite was also censored. Maybe they censored me first because they were able to take edgy jokes and present them as genuine statements I’d made, which made it so no one wanted to defend me (other than the LA Times, Sargon of Akkad, and a couple others). But everyone who was saying anything of value, no matter how politely they said it, ended up censored.

Granted, it’s possible that there will still be some okay content on Twitter for a while. I have no way of predicting a timeframe here. But while people maybe make some cutout for me, that I am uniquely dangerous like some kind of Magneto figure and therefore a site can be “free speech” while also censoring me for no reason other than because of who I am, Elon Musk is no longer even operating under a pretext of free speech.

I would of course argue, and did argue, that if I am censored, then “free speech” is already gone, and it’s only a matter of time before more censorship happens, because free speech is an either/or binary. Expecting Elon to honor his pledge was always ridiculous. The honor system does not work. If the government doesn’t defend speech rights, they do not exist.

It was mildly impressive that Twitter allowed some of the content that they allowed over the last two years. I will grant that. But we now know that this was always part of a scam Musk was running to build himself up, as he apparently wants to use the political power he gains from Trump to become some kind of Techno Emperor.