Emotionally Disturbed Black Brute Goes Crazy Punching White People

NY Post
September 17, 2014

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At least one of the victims has been confirmed White.

A violent, emotionally disturbed person randomly punched strangers in the subway station under Bloomingdale’s in Manhattan on Sunday, police said.

The unidentified man had to be pepper-sprayed by cops after he slugged at least five people — including several women — on the uptown No. 6 platform in the station at 59th Street and Lexington Avenue around 2 p.m., sources said.

Officers then chased the brute down the platform after he tried to make a run for it, but they eventually nabbed him, sources said.

One person was taken to Bellevue Hospital for treatment, and a man was treated by EMTs at the scene, authorities and witnesses said.

Several others who had been attacked refused medical attention, FDNY officials said.

One crying young woman appeared to have suffered a split lip and was seen being consoled by her female friends.

The female Transit Bureau officer who maced the suspect was treated at the station for pepper spray in her eye, witnesses said.

“Yeah, I maced the guy,’’ she told a reporter after the frightening incident.

The suspect, who was sweating and disheveled and wore a baseball cap, was taken away in cuffs.

Emotionally disturbed, or just Black?