Entering the “Rainbow Territory”

Wilson Mount
Southern Order
October 24, 2013

Not only is the ACT now sodomite central, it also has one of the largest immigrant population centres in Australia. Anyone else see the link?

It is now official – Australia has entered the homosexual era. The Australian Capital Territory has passed a bill to become the first in the nation, in what will be a domino effect in toppling Traditional Marriage.

To thunderous applause from the public gallery, the single-chamber Parliament voted to approve a marriage equality law by eight votes to seven on Tuesday.

Under the law, same-sex couples from across Australia will be able to marry in Australia by the end of the year.

Of course, there is always the “pseudo-challenge” to appease the conservatives:

The federal government plans to challenge the constitutionality of the bill in the High Court of Australia.

Not only is the ACT one of the biggest immigrant centers of Australia, they now want to make it into the biggest centers for alternative-living (code-word for degenerate filth). Seriously, what does this present to the rest of the world when this is being done in our nation’s capital?

Deputy Chief Minister Andrew Barr, who is gay, said the law would help transform many lives and Canberra into a “rainbow territory’’ or “city of love’’.

“It marks an important step in our journey to become the most LGBTI [lesbian, gay, transsexual and intersex] city in Australia,’’ Mr Barr said.

“Whether it’s the rainbow territory, the city of love, it’s an important journey for us. I have no doubt that this reform will transform many lives.”

Of course, the usual, more overtly leftist suspects were behind the whole ordeal.

The bill was supported by all eight Labor MLAs and Greens MLA Shane Rattenbury.

The eight Liberals MLAs opposed it, arguing that marriage laws were a federal issue.

The assembly agreed to a series of amendments designed to reduce the chances of the law being struck down by the High Court. Some marriage-equality supporters believe further amendments were needed to further strengthen the bill from a challenge.

Chief Minister Katy Gallagher said the threat of a High Court challenge will not deter the government from proceeding with the establishment of a local same-sex scheme.

“That should not deter us, it doesn’t rattle us and it doesn’t change our path,’’ she said.

Followed by a final stab at the heart at White altruism (and also based upon the Australian tradition of supporting the underdog):

Ms Gallagher said marriage equality was necessary to end discrimination against same-sex couples.

“This is the beginning of governments in Australia saying ‘no’ to the historical institutionalised discrimination that relegates same-sex couples to a second-class status.”Denying equal marriage rights to same-sex couples is an affront to human rights which says, ‘you’re not allowed to express or formalise your love in the same way as other couples in our society’.

“From today, through the passage of this bill, the ACT puts an end to this form of discrimination.”

Judgment day, Ragnarok, the End Times – whatever you want to call it, it is coming.