Estonia and Finland Ask Europe to End All Russian Tourist Visas, Say Visiting Europe “Not a Human Right”

Finland’s PM Sanna Marin (left) speaking with Estonia’s PM Kaja Kallas on December 15, 2021.

Previously: Zelensky Calls for a Total Ban on Russians Entering the West

I don’t understand this idea of collective punishment, especially when they’re saying Russia is a dictatorship.

No, I mean the especially part should be in relation to the fact that we’ve already seen that collective punishment causes Russians to rally around Putin. Actually, it does the same thing when the Jews do collective punishment on the Palestinians.

Collective punishment works in prisons, or at least I’ve read that it does, but I don’t think it ever works when it’s being enforced by a foreign power. I don’t know that as a fact, because obviously up until a couple months ago, collective punishment was considered evil (except when Jews do it).


The leaders of Estonia and Finland want fellow European countries to stop issuing tourist visas to Russian citizens, saying they should not be able to take vacations in Europe while the Russian government carries out a war in Ukraine.

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas wrote Tuesday on Twitter that “visiting Europe is a privilege, not a human right” and that it is “time to end tourism from Russia now.”

A day earlier, her counterpart in Finland, Sanna Marin, told Finnish broadcaster YLE that “it is not right that while Russia is waging an aggressive, brutal war of aggression in Europe, Russians can live a normal life, travel in Europe, be tourists.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy went further in a Washington Post interview Monday, saying all Western countries should ban Russian tourists.

Estonia and Finland both border Russia and are members of the European Union, which banned air travel from Russia after it invaded Ukraine. But Russians can still travel by land to both countries and apparently are then taking flights to other European destinations.

The calls for a travel ban have sparked outrage within Russia, from both the Kremlin and its critics. Opposition-minded public figures condemned the comments in social media posts as fueling Moscow’s anti-Western propaganda and being unhelpful in stopping the war.

“I think that over time, common sense will somehow manifest itself, and those who made such statements will come to their senses,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.

I hope Latvians and Estonians literally freeze to death. I want to see pictures of these people actually dead in their houses, frozen like popsicles, and then Russian Spetsnaz coming through in Mr. Freeze suits to observe them.

You might be asking: “Elvis, why do you support a total genocide by frost of your Trve Aryan brothers in the Baltics?”

Well, I’ll tell you why, good sir: these whiny, faggot people think it is the duty of my country, and the duty of the entire world, to make sacrifices for them. And not even sacrifices for something tangible and real that they may or may not need – they want us to sacrifice for a revenge mission they were on. They want revenge on the Russians for things that happened decades ago – before many of them were born – under the USSR.

They want my economy to collapse for their revenge mission. They want the world to go to war for their revenge mission. They want my country’s soldiers to die for their revenge mission.

So, yes: I support these people being outright genocided. They have no right to make these demands of me. Have you seen what has happened to the crypto market?

What about the rest of the markets?

We are all paying for this. Now they want our people to actually die in a world war to settle their revenge score.

If Estonia and Latvia want revenge on Russia, they should get their own militaries together and try to invade Russia. These people’s lives have nothing at all to do with me and my problems, and I would prefer they all die than to get me involved in their problems.

This is my life philosophy, in five words: “Things are tough all over.”

What that means is that things are tough all over. I have my own problems. You have your own problems. We are not Latvian or Estonian, and our problems don’t relate to a weird, feminine, pathetic, whiny revenge mission.

I’m sick of this. I’m just tired of it. I don’t care about these loser countries in Eastern Europe who have never done anything for me. I went to Estonia and it sucked balls. The only cool people there were the Russians. No one else in that shithole had even the mildest level of chill. Well, they’re about to get a chill, if you catch my drift.

A real rough chill is about to blow through Eastern European shitholes.

(Note: Finns are actually okay. They were never on this war trip until this Top Cunt took over. Finns actually had a good relationship with Russia. But now they’ve got this cunt in charge, so whatever – it’s still not my problem, and things are still tough all over, and I still don’t care.)