EU Endorses Proposal to Use Stolen Russian Assets to Arm the Ukraine

It’s absolute banditry.

The West is run by bandit terrorists, overseen by very nasty women.


European Union leaders have endorsed a proposal to use windfall profits on frozen Russian financial assets to assist Ukraine, including spending as much as $3 billion a year on arms and ammunition for the country.

The leaders agreed Thursday to further develop the plan presented by the European Commission. The EU will now need to come up with mechanisms to deliver the aid that take account of misgivings among some militarily neutral member states such as Austria, Ireland and Malta.

We are determined to act very quickly,” Charles Michel, who chairs the council of EU leaders, said at a press conference late Thursday.

The proposal goes further than a previous EU plan — crafted in late 2023 and agreed in principle last month — to use the interest payments and other profits accumulating in accounts in Brussels to help rebuild Ukraine.

“I’m glad that (EU) leaders endorsed our proposal to use the extraordinary revenue from immobilized Russian assets,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told reporters Thursday, hailing “strong support” among the leaders for using the cash for weapons.

She said money could start flowing by July 1.

But the shift in focus to directly supporting Ukraine’s military rather than using the funds to help rebuild the country is hard to swallow for neutral EU member states such as Ireland and Austria.

Before Thursday’s EU summit, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer told reporters: “There must be a guarantee that money, for which we give our approval, is not spent on weapons and ammunition.”

Speaking to reporters later, he said it was now up to EU officials to come up with ways of using the cash while respecting the position of neutral states.

This was all happening before the big terrorist attack in Russia. I sort of think that is going to be a turning point in the minds of many Europeans, and you’re going to start seeing more protests against this war.

I am the one always saying “a protest doesn’t mean anything in a democracy.” And then I say: “In China, when they protested coronavirus lockdowns, the government just said ‘yeah, okay, if that’s what y’all want, sure,’ and ended lockdowns basically immediately – while in Canada, they froze everyone’s bank accounts.” However, there are limits.

The government has some serious impunity in the West, given that you have this fake facade of people being able to influence the government through elections, and any democracy government can just switch out their leaders at any point in order to placate the people. However, protests can lead to widespread civil unrest, which can lead to police stations being looted and parliaments being stormed by armed men.

There is a general sentiment in the EU now that everything is shitty and fake and retarded. It’s a high level of volatility. Everyone is mad about something at this point. Culturally, Germans do tend to tolerate bad governments more than a lot of people would, but if anything makes Germans angry, it’s shutting down their ability to be productive, which is what their government is doing, while also fighting a war that is not in the interests of Germany against a country that should very obviously be an ally of Germany.

The politicians in Berlin may be deranged, living in that gay hellhole and not really understanding the wider sentiment.

AfD, the German “far-right” party (anti-immigrant, anti-war), is probably the most popular political party in the country, while there is a new party led by some woman who is leftist on most issues, but against immigration and war, and they’re polling as high as 30%.

The plan in Germany is to just not allow any party not approved by the United States to be in power, and trying to maintain this facade that voting influences government policy is going to get very complicated.

Probably, other EU countries are less stable than Germany.

European leaders are going to start wanting to end this war simply to keep the peace on the streets in their own country. Announcing peace negotiations would be a great boon for all the European governments, as it would be seen as a gift to the population – “oh, okay, we’ll do something you want.”