Europe Introduces Travel for Vaxxed Out British Freaks! America Won’t Escape!

People in America now think the Virus Mania is over. But in the UK, they’re talking about going into another lockdown, and the EU has already implemented Vaccine Passports.


The EU is expected to allow fully vaccinated Brits to fly to Europe without needing to do a Covid test or quarantine, it has been reported.

EU ambassadors are said to be preparing to sign off plans today which will see all countries in the bloc adopt uniform entry requirements. The system will likely be based on passengers’ vaccine statuses, The Telegraph reports.

At present, all European countries, except from green-listed Portugal and Gibraltar, have been put on the Government’s amber list, which demands arrivals quarantine at home for 10 days when they return.

Travel to amber list countries is not currently recommended, with Matt Hancock stating that Brits should avoid visiting them other than for ‘exceptional reasons’, even though it is legal to do so.

The EU’s ‘green-list’ of travel destinations is limited to seven of the lowest-risk countries, including Australia and New Zealand.

It is thought EU ambassadors will meet to agree a European Commission proposal today, and call for travel restrictions with countries that have low infection rates to be lifted.

The only reason America is not still in full insanity mode is that Florida is refusing to go along with it. That is the single reason.

People go to Florida and they’re like “wait, what? why isn’t everyone dying from a deadly virus?”

If it wasn’t for that, we would still be locked down completely, still be masked the heck out, still be bringing in the vaxx pass.

But of course, the agenda never goes away.

We will get a summer break, then everything is going back to normal.

Think about it: if this was over, it would be over in Europe as well.

None of this is ever going to end.

Get ready for the biometric face-scanning thermometer gun stand.

You’re going to have to use that AND the QR code tracking app.