Evil Terrorists Removed From Trump Rally

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2016

Our Glorious Leader keeps true to his principles. He has deported Mexicans from his press conferences and on Friday he removed kebab from a rally.


A Muslim woman wearing a hijab was escorted out of Donald Trump’s campaign event on Friday by police after she stood up in silent protest during Trump’s speech.

Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant sitting in the stands directly behind Trump, stood up Friday during Trump’s speech when the Republican front-runner suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with ISIS.

Trump has previously called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

Despite her silence, Trump supporters around her began chanting Trump’s name — as instructed by Trump campaign staff before the event in case of protests — and pointed at Hamid and Marty Rosenbluth, the man alongside her who stood up as well.

lol at “Marty Rosenbluth.”

I guess he’s also a Moslem?

Funny name for a Moslem…


He actually looks like… a Jew.

That would be something, huh? Moslems allying with the Jews against the White race?

As they were escorted out, Trump supporters roared — booing the pair and shouting at them to “get out.” One person shouted, “You have a bomb, you have a bomb,” according to Hamid.

The ugliness really came out fast and that’s really scary,” Hamid told CNN in a phone interview after she was ejected.

You know how you can avoid that, you fat terrorist bitch?


You are not welcome here. We don’t want you. Even those that try to be nice to you hate you. Even those who don’t know they hate you hate you.

You are not us, and you have forced yourself on us. You have brought your problems to us. Then you have the nerve to attack us and make demands of us, because you believe we are so weak we will meet these demands, whatever they may be, forever.

Well Haji: the jig just popped.

The cat is bagless.

We’re done feeding you.

You’ve clearly had enough to eat anyway.

Major Steven Thompson of the Rock Hill Police Department told CNN Hamid was kicked out of the event because the campaign told him beforehand that “anybody who made any kind of disturbance” should be escorted out.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment asking why Hamid was escorted out of the venue.

After Hamid and three others, all wearing stars reminiscent of those worn by Jews during the Holocaust, were escorted out by police and Trump campaign officials, Trump commented on the disturbance.

“There is hatred against us that is unbelievable,” Trump said. “It’s their hatred, it’s not our hatred.”

Before the event, Hamid told CNN that she didn’t plan to shout or disrupt the event — she simply wanted to give Trump supporters a glimpse of what Muslims are like.

“I figured that most Trump supporters probably never met a Muslim so I figured that I’d give them the opportunity to meet one,” she said, wearing a shirt that read “Salam, I come in peace.” “I really don’t plan to say anything. I don’t want to be disrespectful but if he says something that I feel needs answering I might — we’ll just see what strikes me.”

We know who you are and we know what you are and we don’t want you.


This “pull on their heart strings” game is over. Period. The White man is done.

The good news is your people control more than a quarter of the entire planet, so you’ve got options.

But our countries are no longer an option.

You have to go.

We’re done playing games.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump takes a question from the audience at one of the New England Council's "Politics and Eggs' breakfasts in Manchester, New Hampshire in this November 11, 2015 file photo. To match Special Report USA-ELECTION/TRUMP-BILLS. REUTERS/Brian Snyder/Files