Faggot Former Deputy Mayor of London Defects to UKIP

Daily Stormer
September 30, 2014

Bloody hell, mate.
Bloody hell, mate.  We got a puffter up in here.

Everyone is jumping ship, as the tide continues to turn.

Even the queers.


Richard Barnes, the former right hand man to Mayor of London Boris Johnson, has become the latest high profile Conservative to defect to Ukip. Last night his former boss accused Ukip defectors of being the type to have sex with vacuum cleaners. This morning Mr Barnes declared that he was moving to Ukip because the other parties did not “speak the language of normal people,” the Evening Standard has reported.

Mr Barnes was personally appointed Deputy Mayor of London by Johnson in 2008, becoming the first LGBT person to hold the post. He remained in place until he lost his seat to Labour in the 2012 elections. When it was put to Mr Barnes that Ukip was a homophobic party as one Ukip councillor had blamed last winter’s floods on Prime Minister David Cameron’s gay marriage policy, he was dismissive, saying “I’ll stand my ground against any prat. They are in all the parties. I don’t think they become homophobic the moment they join Ukip.”

Mr Barnes explained that he was defecting because the Conservatives could not be trusted on Europe, because the government is failing to tackle immigration, and because the Westminster parties are out of touch with ordinary people.

On Cameron’s plans to renegotiate a treaty with the rest of the EU before 2017, Mr Barnes labelled the idea as “unrealistic”, saying “Do we really believe they can create a new settlement by 2017, with the agreement of all the member states. It’s just unrealistic. There has to be more clarity and it’s not there at the moment.” Instead he would like to see the UK pull out of the EU entirely and form a free trade agreement with the rest of Europe. His thinking on this is therefore in-line with Ukip policy, but at odds with his former leader David Cameron, who on the weekend reiterated his commitment to keeping the UK inside the EU.

I don’t exactly know what to think of the fact this guy is a faggot. UKIP hasn’t been particularly vocal on that issue, but you definitely don’t want such people in positions of power in your organization, even if you don’t hate them.

I’m sure a lot of people who support the party will be uncomfortable if Nigel becomes warm with this pervert.  If I was a conspiracy theorist, I might even suppose that the purpose of this defection is to taint the party which has generally been seen as representative of traditional values, even if they don’t state that explicitly.