Faggots Culturally Appropriating Indians by Making Designated Shitting Streets in San Francisco

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2018

Don’t worry Aadhya, soon the Alt-Right will punish this crime against your civilization.

The third-world sludge and faggots in San Francisco are culturally appropriating the Indian people – who have been shitting in the streets for thousands of years.

They have gotten so out of hand with this theft of culture that the city now needs a poop map to help people avoid the designated shitting streets as well has causing significant amounts of damage to structures and other property.

This crime against the curry monkeys cannot be allowed to continue.

Daily Wire:

For those who have maintained that San Francisco is full of . . . whatever, there is now living proof. How much poop is there on the streets of the City by the Bay?

According to Fox News, one area of the city reported a 140% rise in feces. As Jay Caruso of RedState noted, “Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles.”

A report from the Office of the Controller stated, “service requests related to human waste increased across all Supervisorial Districts in San Francisco in FY 2015-16, and at a rate well above the average growth in overall SF311 use. District 6 (in Zone B) had far more service requests related to human waste than any other district – three-times as many as the next highest count in District 9 (Zone D) – and nearly 30 percent more requests compared to FY 2014-15. This change appears to be driven mostly by additional reports along Market Street, south of.

Almost every single medical advancement that has stopped people from dying from disease on a mass scale has come from better sanitation.

When you have people filling the streets with crap and eating feces from the source, all of those medical advancements are worthless and you will have situations which make previously White cities look like third-world shitholes where this behavior is common with rampant disease.

Richard Nixon was right about not touching people from San Francisco.