Fake News York Times Claims You Can Protect Your Devices from the CIA – Protip: You Can’t

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2017

The New York Times is shilling that you can protect yourself from being hacked by the CIA by updating your phones and computers. This is a nonsensical fake news lie, designed to make you think you are safe from hacking.

These fake news hacks are even saying Android can be protected with updates – ANDROID. Protected from the CIA. With regular updates.

Android is so unsafe, it can’t be protected from 13-year-old boys. Using Android is the digital equivalent of unprotected sex with a crackwhore.

An updated iPhone is going to be safe from most people, but not at all safe from the government.

On some level, the New York Times promoting this fake news hoax is a bigger story than the hack itself. These people will just lie about absolutely anything. Obviously, the reason that they are lying is so that people will think their devices are safe and then communicate sensitive information on them. I guess the title of the article is also clickbaity, which is a pillar of the Jewish fake news industry.

These same Jewish liars told you a few months ago you would be safe if you used Signal, even while it was obvious you wouldn’t be.

Yes, Signal – and Whatsapp for that matter – have end-to-end encryption, but it doesn’t matter if the OS of your phone itself is hacked, which it already is and always will be.

The point here is: everything you do online is subject to inspection by the NSA, the CIA and probably in most cases the FBI as well. In Britain, GCHQ. And all of these Western intelligence agencies are sharing this stuff with allies and spying internationally themselves.

So, don’t ever assume anything is safe. If you want to have a private conversation, do so in person away from devices with microphones on them, or use a blackhole Faraday cage bag. There are several options on Amazon.

Also people – and this is very, very important – if someone on the internet tells you they want to talk to you on a “secure channel,” you should assume they are stupid and dangerous or a federal agent who is going to try to entrap you into doing something illegal, or saying you’re willing to do something illegal, or whatever.

Do not ever do anything illegal, do not ever talk about doing anything illegal.

Those are the rules.

Remember these rules.