Falling Mountain Tourism was Always a Doomed Industry

Nature tourism, sex tourism, rollercoasters – all great ideas.

Falling mountain tourism?

Not a great idea.

An industry doomed from the start, really.


At least 20 people went missing after a collapsing cliffside in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais crushed three tourist boats on the river below, killing five people and injuring others. The navy is investigating the tragedy.

The rockslide occurred at around midday on Saturday, in a canyon along Furnas Lake near the city of Capitolo, Minas Gerais. Disturbing videos showed a shower of smaller rocks falling from the cliff, before an enormous sheet of rock separated from the cliff face and collapsed directly onto several boatloads of tourists in the water below.

They knew the mountain was falling.

There were people screaming at them to get out of the way. They were screaming at them for like, a while.

But I guess a collapsing mountain is a dazzling sight.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you I’d be able to look away myself.