Family Furious as Illegal Alien Let Out of Jail to Kill White People

The Blaze
December 14, 2013

Jesse Labon Benavides was gunned down at family birthday party by the Mestizo.
Jesse Labon Benavides was gunned down at family birthday party by an illegal alien, who had just been freed from jail where he was awaiting deportation.

It’s been more than two years since Jesse Benavides was gunned down at a family birthday party in Dallas by a man who never should have been on U.S. streets.

Jesse Labon Benavides, 33, was gunned down during a family birthday party in Dallas in October 2011. (Photo courtesy of Benavides family)

Santana Gaona had been in jail less than two months earlier for allegedly raping and beating his estranged wife. He was flagged as an illegal immigrant and scheduled for deportation. Despite a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement “detainer” that had been placed on Gaona, requiring him to face a deportation hearing, ICE officials canceled the order and he was released from jail.

At the time, ICE officials told the Dallas Morning News and this reporter that “another law enforcement agency” asked them to remove the detainer.

In 2011, a federal law enforcement officer confirmed to this reporter that Gaona had been an informant for multiple federal agencies, including the FBI, which was responsible for his release. The official said Gaona showed no signs of being a violent criminal and there was no reason to believe he would have committed murder.

Benavides, 33, was trying to stop a fight between Gaona and Gaona’s estranged wife when he was shot in front of his 8-year-old son.

Benavides’ family still can’t find closure. They told TheBlaze that they are filing an official complaint with the FBI and a looking at a possible lawsuit. They don’t want his death to be in vain, and don’t want any other family to suffer a similar tragedy. As lawmakers in Washington push for comprehensive immigration reform, the family wonders why the laws already in place weren’t followed and why criminal illegal aliens like Gaona are released and not deported.

“I still can’t go a day or minute without thinking of my brother Jesse,” Juan Benavidas said. “Jesse isn’t the only person whose been killed unnecessarily by criminals like Gaona, who shouldn’t be here to begin with. Where’s the FBI now? Why haven’t they ever said anything to our family – since it was their guy who killed my brother.  Why wasn’t he deported when he was arrested the first time?”

Juan Benavidas’ question is not easily answered. Victims and law enforcement officers often feel left out of the immigration reform process, their voices silenced.

Federal law enforcement officers have told TheBlaze that the Obama administration has made it impossible for them to do their jobs and that special pro-immigration interest groups have more pull with the White House. Deportation is not simple and ICE officers rarely, if ever, deport those who have not committed crimes beyond their illegal entry into the United States.

A picture of Jesse and Juan Benavides when they were in elementary school. “There isn’t a day I don’t think of my brother,” Juan Benavides said. “I don’t want his death to be in vain.”

Jesse with his son, Micah. Micah saw his father gunned down in front of him.
Jesse with his son, Micah. Micah saw his father gunned down in front of him when he was 8 years old.

“We’ve been kept away from rallies where illegal aliens are protesting U.S. laws — we’re not allowed to make arrests, deport criminals and the system is made to work against us,” said a Department of Homeland Security official not authorized to speak publicly. “What happened to Jesse is a terrible crime but it happens every day because we are kept from doing our jobs to protect our citizens. Criminals seem to have more rights.”

President Barack Obama has urged Congress to pass immigration reform, and the issue is a central part of what he hopes his second-term legacy will be.

Obama said “the unwillingness of certain Republicans in Congress to catch up with the rest of the country” on immigration reform is what’s preventing the passage of legislation. But many in the GOP leadership have also been working diligently behind the scenes to piece together legislation that can be voted on next year to remedy the complex problem of what to do with the more than 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States.

In fact, Obama congratulated House Speaker John Boehner for his pursuit of piecemeal immigration legislation and said during a speech last week in San Francisco that he believes “the speaker is sincere.”

Those who oppose a comprehensive immigration reform package, however, say victims like Jesse Benavides are set aside by the political machine that places more emphasis on building a voter base than on fixing a broken immigration system and enforcing existing laws.

Chris Crane, president of the ICE National Council, the union that represents more than 7,500 officers and support staff, told TheBlaze that the officers he represents are afraid of their own agency.

“The toughest thing for our guys is releasing felons, these child molesters and knowing these bad guys are back in the streets,” Crane said. “It’s the policy of this administration to make it as difficult as possible for our law enforcement officers to do their job. If the American public could see what we see, they would be out in the streets demanding enforcement and change, not immigration reform.”

There isn't a day that Juan Benavides doesn't think of his brother Jesse.
There isn’t a day that Juan Benavides doesn’t think of his brother Jesse.

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