Fed Judge Says Trump Can’t Tell Immigrants They Have to Have Health Insurance

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2019

Basically, goyim, you can’t block brown people from flooding your country FOR ANY REASON.

They don’t need money, they don’t need health insurance, they don’t need to be white.

They can just do whatever, and stunt on you.

Fox News:

A federal judge in Oregon on Saturday blocked the Trump administration’s rule requiring immigrants applying for U.S. visas to prove they have health insurance or can afford medical costs from going into effect Sunday.

U.S. District Judge Michael Simon granted the temporary restraining order while he considers a federal lawsuit brought Wednesday by seven U.S. citizens and a nonprofit organization, who contend the rule change would block nearly two-thirds of all prospective legal immigrants. It was not immediately clear when Simon would rule on the merits of the case.

The White House announced last month that people seeking immigrant visas from abroad will be barred from entering the country unless they are to be covered by health insurance within 30 days of entering or have enough financial resources to pay for any medical costs.

The prospective measure would not apply to those already in the United States, nor would it apply to lawful permanent residents, asylum seekers, refugees or children. However, it would apply to parents and spouses of U.S. citizens, the White House said.

The White House said in a statement at the time the proclamation was issued that too many non-citizens were taking advantage of the country’s “generous public health programs,” and said immigrants contribute to the problem of “uncompensated health care costs.”

“We’re very grateful that the court recognized the need to block the health care ban immediately,” Justice Action Center senior litigator Esther Sung said. “The ban would separate families and cut two-thirds of green-card-based immigration starting tonight, were the ban not stopped.”

If you don’t like getting stunted on, maybe you should move to China.

America is a free country, meaning all niggers can come here and live on welfare.

If you’re against that, it’s deeeeeeeezgusting anti-Semitism.