Federal Judge Rules New Orleans Confederate Monuments Can Be Removed

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Observer
March 12, 2017

I often hear the mantra that race relations “isn’t a zero sum game.”

Why would we believe that? It’s not like black majority rule means the destruction of White monuments and their replacement by black monuments in public spaces:

“New Orleans officials can begin the process of removing the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee at Lee Circle and three other monuments at the center of a long-running, city-led effort, a federal appeals court ruled Monday (March 6).

In the ruling, the three-judge panel with the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals found that the groups trying to block the removal of the monuments, Monumental Task Committee and the Louisiana Landmarks Society, failed to present a case that contained a legal argument that showed the monuments should stay up. The court wrote that the groups relied on two legal claims, “both of which wholly lack legal viability or support.”

Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s office said that a request for proposals will be issued within the next day to obtain bids for a company to remove the monuments, which will be stored in a city-owned warehouse until it’s determined what will happen to them. …”

What can we learn from New Orleans?

For the Heritage movement, the moral of the story is that someone always rules and in a multiracial democracy the outcome will be determined by demographics. Either White Southerners will rule New Orleans or blacks will rule New Orleans. There isn’t a third option.

If blacks rule New Orleans, then we can expect Confederate monuments to be removed, public spaces to honor black leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr., blacks to be favored in city contracts and all the familiar wonders of the urban black experience to flourish like blight, corruption and violent crime. This truth was understood by every generation between the Battle of Liberty Place and the Baby Boomers.

Fortunately, it isn’t too late to save other Confederate monuments in Louisiana. The solution is to take advantage of Louisiana’s statewide White majority to pass legislation to protect Confederate monuments from removal by black majority local governments:

“The measure passed 24-7 and forbids changes to public markers that have stood for more than 20 years.

Sen. Gerald Allen, a Tuscaloosa Republican, sponsored the legislation and said it was intended to preserve history. He batted down the criticism of five black senators during more than two hours of contentious debate, telling them that the bill also leaves monuments important to African-Americans intact.

“This bill is here to help you,” Allen told Sen. Hank Sanders, noting that it would also apply to the Edmund Pettus Bridge, which was made famous when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. walked over it during the Selma-to-Montgomery march in 1965. Sanders, a Selma Democrat, participated in the march.

“This bill in the name of protecting history is hurting history,” Sanders said. “I am deeply grieved by this bill.” …”

In Alabama, we have taken to heart the lesson that someone always rules, which is the reason why the Alabama Democratic Party has been reduced to a powerless black minority. To be perfectly honest, it is more important for Louisianans to relearn this lesson than to save the NOLA monuments. Just look at the logical conclusion of Rainbowism in South Africa. If we still believed we should rule in Louisiana, the monuments wouldn’t be coming down in the first place.

‘Civil Rights Icon’ Hank Sanders, who participated in the Selma-to-Montgomery March, was “deeply grieved” by the recent public monuments bill that passed the Alabama Senate. So what? Who cares if he cries ‘racism’? He doesn’t have his civil rights halo of moral authority anymore. We don’t care if he cries ‘racism’ because we don’t believe it is in our self-interest that Hank Sanders and black Democrats should rule. We understand that if they are allowed to rule in our state that they will govern with the interest of blacks alone in mind which will be harmful to our community.

We must always rule ourselves.