Female Goy to Takeover Al Franken’s Seat in the Senate

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2018

Al Franken’s seat has been held by a Jew since before I was born.

Before him, it was Norm Coleman, Paul Wellstone and Rudy Boschwitz who was elected in 1978 to take the seat of a goy.

That is a long line of Jews.

I’m a little bit shocked that they didn’t make a point to replace Franken with a Jew, just to keep with the tradition of Minnesota Swedes being lorded over by Hebrews.

But they have chosen a goy.

Fox News:

Nearly a month after he announced plans to leave Congress due to sexual misconduct allegations that began in November, Sen. Al Franken officially resigned on Tuesday.

The senator provided his letter of resignation to Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, aides to the senator told Fox News.

Current Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, who was selected to take over Al Franken’s Senate seat in December, is expected to be sworn in Wednesday morning.

Smith has served as the lieutenant governor of Minnesota since 2015, and, according to Gov. Dayton, is “extremely intelligent, quick to learn and always open to hearing other views.”

As you’d expect, she’s a leftist extremist.

But the fact that she is not Jewish is interesting and hopeful.

Breaking a line of Jewish power like that is symbolically meaningful.