Feral Black Murders Three-Year-Old White Son of Coalburner Girlfriend

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2017

Brent Fields.

If there’s a terrible situation, you need to find some way to benefit from it.

This wouldn’t have happened if there weren’t Blacks in our nations and women couldn’t become coalburning whores. This kid will one day understand that and not be overly happy with it.

Canton Rep:

On Monday, Stark County Common Pleas Judge John Haas gave the 27-year-old Fields a 30 years-to-life term. Fields was convicted of murder for the 2016 death of Owen Buggey and four felony child endangering charges involving Owen and his siblings.

Haas denounced Fields for phone conversations in which he implored Ruth Buggey, Owen’s mother, to stick to a fabricated story initially told to investigators about Owen falling at a playground.

But even stronger words came from Owen’s siblings, submitted in writing to the Stark County Prosecutor’s Office. Haas said the boys were “remarkable in their testimony.”

One of the children referred to Fields as a “fake nice guy” before adding, “I hate you to death, you heartless murderer.”

At the end, the boy wrote, “We hope we haunt you in your dreams.”

Statements from some of Owen’s other siblings also were read in court.

“I pray to God the judge never lets you come back out and do that to someone else,” the child wrote.

The statements were read in court by Fred Scott, an assistant prosecutor, and fellow Assistant Prosecutor Daniel Petricini.

Three of Owen’s siblings, ages 8 to 12, testified in court last week, describing how Fields punched them with a boxing glove in the stomach and hit them with a leather belt. He also made Owen and the others stand in the corner of a room for hours, according to testimony.

The siblings said Fields physically abused Owen the most severely, often for wetting his pants or bed, according to testimony.

All four siblings are in foster care together (the three brothers who testified and one who did not because of his young age.)

Ruth Buggey, the mother of Owen and his siblings, pleaded guilty to obstructing justice and complicity to child endangering and is scheduled to be sentenced Wednesday before Judge Kristin Farmer. Buggey testified against Fields, who was her boyfriend at the time of Owen’s death on Oct. 19, 2016.

Fields routinely watched Owen and his four siblings while Ruth Buggey worked, according to trial testimony. He lived with the family on Hoover Place NW. The mother testified that after she noticed severe bruising on Owen’s stomach in late September, she took a week off work to care for the boy, but admitted she didn’t seek medical care because Fields told her she would lose custody of her children.

She told prosecutors that Owen’s dark bruising healed and he started feeling better. About three weeks later, Owen was rushed to the hospital by his mother after Fields had text messaged her in a panic while she was in a job interview in Jackson Township, according to testimony. Owen had been vomiting and stopped breathing.

The prosecution’s evidence also included recorded phone calls between the mother and Fields after Owen had died. Portions of a police interview between Fields and a detective also were played for jurors.

Brownfield testified that while he was working on a skateboard ramp project on his property, he had heard a child crying loudly inside the Buggey home as well as repeated smacking and cracking sounds.

Brownfield recorded the end of what he heard on his cellphone from outside the home; the same day, he played the recording for his wife, Melanie Brownfield, who contacted the Children Services division of Stark County Job and Family Services and was referred to police, whom she contacted. Prosecutors said the child heard on the recording was one of Owen’s brothers.

Owen Buggey.