Feral Black Stabs, Beats, Rapes and Robs Fat White Woman

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2017

This is the most stereotypical Black news story I have read in quite awhile.

The only thing that would make this more Black is if he smoked some crack and ate KFC with a grape drank before and after the event.


Woman Stabbed, Sexually Assaulted in Willowbrook Home

Her nose fractured, her face covered in stitches and bruises, Schuster said she looked in the mirror for first time Thursday.

The 26-year-old was unloading groceries in the driveway of the home in the 700 block of 73rd Court at about 1 p.m. Saturday when a dark blue older model Nissan Altima pulled up, and that is when police say 31-year-old Londale Madison got out and approached her.

“All he asked me was, ‘Can I have money?” she said. “And I politely said, ‘I’m sorry, I don’t have any money to give you.'”

She went inside and locked the door, but Madison later knocked and asked again. When she refused, he knocked the door down and attacked her, according to police.

After punching her repeatedly, Schuster says the man forced her to remove her clothes, and get into the shower – where he raped her.

He stabbed her over 17 times, before stealing her purse and cell phone and leaving her for dead.