Flips: Duterte Fights Back Against US Meddling! Bans Two US Senators!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2019

Obviously, the Senators probably weren’t planning on going to the Philippines. The only reason people go to the Philippines is for nature excursions and hookers, and Senators hate nature and only have sex with prepubescent boys who have been kidnapped and trafficked by the CIA Finders cult.

This is to send a message.

And it is a strong message.


The Philippines has banned two U.S. lawmakers from visiting and will introduce tighter entry restrictions for U.S. citizens should Washington enforce sanctions over the detention of a top government critic, the president’s spokesman said on Friday.

President Rodrigo Duterte will impose a requirement on U.S. nationals to get visas should any Philippine officials involved in the incarceration of Sen. Leila de Lima be denied entry to the United States, as sought by U.S. senators Richard Durbin ( D-Ill.) and Patrick Leahy ( D-Vt.).

Duterte’s move comes after the U.S. Congress approved a 2020 budget that contains a provision introduced by the senators against anyone involved in holding de Lima, who was charged with drug offences in early 2017 after she led an investigation into mass killings during Duterte’s notorious anti-drugs crackdown.

We’re just finding all kinds of gems in that 2020 budget, aren’t we?

“We will not sit idly if they continue to interfere with our processes as a sovereign state,” Philippine presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo told a regular news conference.

The Philippines grants visa-free entry for up to 30 days to Americans, 792,000 of whom visited in the first nine months of 2019, nearly 13 percent of foreign arrivals, government data showed.

The U.S. embassy in Manila did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Panelo said travel restrictions over de Lima’s detention were nonsense because she was not wrongfully imprisoned but detained pending trial for crimes.

“The case of Senator de Lima is not one of persecution but of prosecution,” he said.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if it is “persecution.”

It isn’t any of the business of the United States government.

And the whole thing is completely absurd – this claim that the US has some kind of moral authority over the entire earth. The US government arguably has less moral authority than any entity that has ever existed in all of human history.

But even if the US government was some kind of divine entity capable of determining right from wrong in a pure and angelic fashion, they still would not have any right to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries.

What they would have a right to do is stop sending billions of dollars to the Jews and the Saudis to use to murder random people. But we continue to send billions of dollars to these countries while we harass, threaten and menace countries like Myanmar and the Philippines for the way they manage their internal affairs.

It is costing a lot less to stand up to the United States, the more countries do it.

The attempted revolution in Venezuela failed. The one in Iran failed. The one in Hong Kong is bound to fail. People around the world are just saying “no.”

The collapse of this entire rotten, evil system can’t come fast enough.