Former High Level Pfizer Scientist Mike Yeadon Talks Corona Hoax with Big Brain Nibbas

Michael Yeadon’s latest interview is worth a watch.

He is getting progressively more and more frustrated as time goes on and people continue to not listen to him.

This interview is also worth shilling, as it is with the blacks. I’ve said time and again: we need to use these blacks to our own advantage, as the Jews have for so long, and getting them to oppose the vaxx is so obvious.

Blacks will only listen to other blacks, which is why the Jews hire all these blacks to go out and shill their agenda for them.

Here’s the full interview on BitChute.

We need big brain nibbas resisting the vaxx, as it gives us cover to resist the vaxx.

We were literally invented by a big brain nibba, on an island called Patmos, according to critical race history now being taught in schools.

If a big brain nibba was kind enough to invent us, surely they’re good enough to help us resist the vaxx!

We’ve written about Yeadon before. He is one of the more credible voices in the anti-coronavirus hoax movement, given his history in the pharma industry.

Here’s what a Reuters hit piece from March 2021 said about Mike Yeadon’s credentials: “The 60-year-old is a former vice president of Pfizer, where he spent 16 years as an allergy and respiratory researcher. He later co-founded a biotech firm that the Swiss drugmaker Novartis purchased for at least $325 million.”

Meanwhile, the “fact-checkers” are saying that it is “false” that he said all these things he said because memes they supposedly found (or posted themselves!) say that he was “THE vice-president of Pfizer,” when in actuality, he was A vice-president of Pfizer.


About 85% of Snopes “fact checks” are based on finding some minor error in a Facebook meme and then declaring the whole thing “false” with that red “X.” I guess getting “a” and “the” confused is possible, but with a lot of these memes, you have to wonder: who is making them?

Is Snopes seeding its own memes, which are mostly true but contain some minor error, so they can go in and fact-check them as false?

Honestly, it seems very obvious that this is happening. It’s so obvious that I don’t think anyone really needs smoking gun proof. But of course, until we have proof, we can’t say it as a matter of fact.

What would be really funny is if Snopes fact-checked a meme saying that Snopes posts fake memes so they can fact-check them.