France: Algerian Food Deliveryman Deported Because He Wouldn’t Deliver Food to Jews

Deporting invaders from Europe is notoriously hard.

Unless it’s an invader that said something mean about Jews, then it’s virtually instantaneous.


French authorities have deported an Algerian food delivery driver who was sentenced to four months in prison after stating that he refused to deliver goods for Jews.

The 19-year-old Algerian had been found guilty of antisemitic discrimination after refusing two deliveries from two restaurants in Strasbourg in January of this year, claiming that he did not deliver for Jews.

The Algerian, who had been working for the food delivery company Deliveroo, had cancelled two orders by two different restaurant owners on the same day. Days later, one of the restaurant owners and an association against antisemitism filed a complaint to the police, Franceinfo reports.

He was tried in a Strasbourg court just a week following this arrest after a police investigation linked his phones GPS history with a Deliveroo account, despite the fact the account had been borrowed from another driver.

Three months after he was sentenced to prison, the 19-year-old was deported to Algeria.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin welcomed the move, stating: “As I had committed to it, the ‘delivery man’ of home meals who had declared that he did not want to serve Jewish clients was expelled from the national territory today, after serving his prison sentence. Antisemitic hatred has no place in France.”

Gerald Darmanin is either a crypto Jew, or an Arab who knows which side his khubz is buttered on

Raphael Nisand, the lawyer for the two restaurant owners, also welcomed the news and praised French cooperation with Algeria after noting that deportation cases can often be difficult to carry out.

It’s a shame you’re not allowed to talk about Jews, or else this double standard would be really obvious to everyone.

At 2:25, the rabbi talks about how Jews come to him to get a “certificate of Jewishness” to emigrate to Israel