France: Drive-By Shooting Kills 1, Injures 6 Others Just as Macron Announces Plan to End State of Emergency

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2017

The concept of not having a state of emergency in a country with a large non-slave population of brown people is absurd.

Whether you choose to call it a “state of emergency” or not is up to you, but you’re always going to be in a state of very high violent crime.

The context of France’s “state of emergency” is of course terrorism, but there isn’t really very much difference between a terrorist and non-terrorist drive-by shooting. In fact, the only difference is in how people perceive it.

Terrorism is scarier because its targets are random, but this is a good example of how non-terrorist violence from brown people can result in random casualties.


At least one person has been killed and six others wounded in a shooting in the French city of Toulouse, local media report.

The shooting took place in the Abbal square in Toulouse around 9:00pm local time when several assailants riding a motorcycle opened fire on a crowd before fleeing the scene.

At least one person was killed and six others injured, police sources told France 3. Two people are reported to be in a critical condition.

Police have cordoned off the area and have launched an investigation. The investigation is now being led by the Regional Service of Judicial Police (SRPJ) of Toulouse.

A witness filmed the moment of the attack, enabling authorities to confirm that the assailants arrived and left the scene on a bike, according to France 3 report.

Authorities believe the potential motive behind the drive-by shooting could be criminal and lacking terrorist intent, initial reports suggest. The deceased victim was known to police and was a suspect in another murder case last year, according to France Info.

The shooting in Toulouse comes just hours after French President Emmanuel Macron said he would lift the state of emergency in France by the end of the year.

“I will re-establish the freedoms of the French people by lifting the state of emergency this autumn because these freedoms are the precondition of the existence of a strong democracy,” Macron said, laying out his agenda at a joint session of parliament, according to AFP.

The state of emergency was introduced in France following the attacks in Paris in November 2015, which killed over 130 people. It has been extended five times since.

As former Prime Minister Valls said, terrorism is just something that Europeans are going to learn to live with. Non-stop street violence as well. Basically, the decision to become multicultural is a decision to bring the kind of low-intensity warfare that exists on the streets of every non-white/non-yellow country on the planet into the first world.

And people are continuing to vote for multiculturalism, and as such, they are continuing to endorse the violence that goes along with it.