France: Le Pen Starts Discussing Alliance with Mainstream Conservative Party

You’re probably going to get Le Pen and Trump and Nigel Farage and it’s going to be: “It’s time for big reforms! You can’t be gay until you turn 9 years old and we’re sending a lot more money and weapons to Israel! Immigrants have to learn the language! We’re doing a display of Muhammad cartoons! Liberals are the real racists!”


France’s conservative Republicans party chairman Eric Ciotti on Tuesday called for a country-wide alliance between his party’s candidates and Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) in forthcoming parliamentary elections.

“We say the same things so let’s stop making up imagined opposition”, Ciotti told TF1 television.

Ciotti spoke to RN party leaders Le Pen and Jordan Bardella before announcing the move, which he said was aimed at ensuring the Republicans (LR) can secure enough seats to still form a parliamentary group.

“We need some sort of alliance and that’s what I am offering”, Ciotti said. He added: “This is what the vast majority of voters wants.”

The call from Ciotti, who hails from the more conservative branch of LR, may drive a wedge through the party. More centrist members of the party have already said they would not countenance such a move.

Olivier Marleix, LR’s chief in the lower house of parliament, said he would not support “any arrangement” with a far-right movement.

We’ve been warning you about Madam Le Pen for years.

It was obvious that eventually they were going to roll that wrinkled bag out at some point and do some kind of weird thing.

Why is a news station owned by an absolutist monarchy so concerned about democracy in France?