France Says After Beheading, They Might Deport 231 Terrorists

Earlier: Leftist Teacher Beheaded in France Over Muhammad Cartoons! Life Comes at You Fast!

Why didn’t they deport the terrorists before?

What is the point of having all of these terrorists in your country?

Fox News:

French officials plan to expel 231 radicalized foreign nationals in a sweeping crackdown after the brutal slaying of a teacher Friday.

Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin said he intends to move swiftly in response to the killing of Samuel Paty, a history teacher who was beheaded after showing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in class.

President Emmanuel Macron has called the killing an “Islamist terrorist attack.”

The primary response to the attack includes the deportation of 231 foreigners in the File of Alerts for the Prevention of Terrorist Attacks (FSPRT), which tracks radicalized activities, according to Europe 1.

Darmanin had planned to expel the people already, having traveled to Morocco the previous week to ask the government to accept nine of its radicalized nationals. He plans to meet with officials in Algeria and Tunisia to discuss similar deals.

On the list are 180 people currently in prison and another 51 individuals who will be arrested shortly, officials said. More than 850 illegal immigrants are registered to the FSPRT, 24 News reported.

Does anyone believe there is anything such as a “non-terrorist Moslem”?

The French apparently like Islam, or they like brown people, or whatever this is.

You can’t take the good (whatever that is supposed to be) without having a few beheadings.

It’s part and parcel.