French Foreign Minister on Turkish Coup: “There are Suspicions … Let’s be Honest About This”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2016

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault

In the most prominent instance yet of the Anglin Theory on the Turkish coup being employed, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has hinted that it might have been staged.

The Independent:

France’s foreign minister has said Turkey may no longer be a viable partner in the fight against Isis in Syria, while Syrian state media has claimed the failed coup in the country was fabricated by President Erdogan to tarnish the military’s reputation.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault raised concerns over Turkey’s ability to fight Isis amid growing political instability in the country following the attempted coup against Mr Erdogan’s regime.

He said: “There are questions that are being asked and we will ask them. [Turkey] is partly viable but there are suspicions as well. Let’s be honest about this.”

He said he would raise the issue at a meeting in Washington next week convened to discuss action against Isis.

A Syrian government newspaper has said the coup was fabricated by President Erdogan in an attempt to “avenge the military and strip it of its remaining support.”

In a high-profile article by (((Roger Cohen))), The New York Times felt it necessary to reassure us that just because the entire thing only benefits Erdogan, that doesn’t mean it’s a hoax:

As coups go, the Turkish effort was a study in ineptitude: No serious attempt to capture or muzzle the political leadership, no leader ready to step in, no communication strategy (or even awareness of social media), no ability to mobilize a critical mass within either the armed forces or society. In their place a platoon of hapless soldiers on a bridge in Istanbul and the apparently uncoordinated targeting of a few government buildings in Ankara.

It was enough for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaking on his cellphone’s FaceTime app, to call supporters into the streets for the insurrection to fold. That Erdogan will no doubt be the chief beneficiary of this turmoil, using it to further his push for an autocratic Islamist Turkey, does not mean that he staged it. The Turkish Army remains isolated from society. It is entirely plausible that a coterie of officers believed a polarized and disgruntled society would rise up once given a cue. If so, they were wrong — and the error has cost more than 260 lives.

Even Cohen doesn’t appear to be that certain it wasn’t a hoax. “It is entirely possible,” he says. He seems to be trying to assure himself as much as the reader.

The biggest problem for those pushing the official narrative is that there is no official narrative. Erdogan is just throwing out his own conspiracy theory – which is much less likely than my own conspiracy theory – presenting no evidence to support it, and rounding-up thousands of people in a purge the likes of which the world hasn’t seen since the Bolshevik Revolution.

Cohen even admits that no evidence exists for Erdogan’s claims:

His attempt to blame, without any evidence, the attempted coup on Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim cleric and erstwhile ally living in Pennsylvania, forms part of a pattern of murkiness and intrigue.

Many outlets are claiming that the Anglin Theory is widespread in Turkey, though with media outlets being shut down left and right over the past four days, it isn’t being published in the country.


Erdogan was democratically elected, but he’s been cracking down on journalists and political opponents. There are many Turks who feel he’s grown too powerful.

The coup attempt has generated a rampant conspiracy theory that the military takeover was “staged” so that Erdogan could respond by purging Turkish institutions.

One man, who believes in the conspiracy and declines to give his name, offers this cynical take on the country’s leadership: “They’re celebrating democracy? They know democracy? They know anything about the democracy? We are ruling with democracy now? They are talking about democracy? Ha. Just I’m smiling,” he says.

“I don’t want to be arrested,” he adds, showing me pictures of people beating and whipping soldiers who had surrendered. “This is shameful. They were only following orders.”

I also recommend reading Tolga Temuge’s article “Turkey’s military coup: A gift from God?” He basically makes the same points I have made, though fleshes them out in a different. He also does not directly say that Erdogan must have done it himself, but leaves the reader to conclude this based on the fact it is the only remaining option after you go through and consider the other possibilities.


The good news is, Erdogan will make a great enemy once the Crusade starts.

He’s really got that super-villain aura.