French Interior Minister Fears Secession, Partition: “People Don’t Want to Live Together”

Diversity Macht Frei
November 1, 2018

Over the last couple of weeks, video of a pupil holding a gun to a teacher’s head in France has provoked discussion about diversity-related disorder and violence, usually euphemistically labelled the “security situation” in France.

This week Valeurs Actuelles, France’s leading conservative news magazine, has a striking cover.

Guns pointed at teachers, police officers lynched, fatal brawls – The New Hyperviolence 

It reads:

Guns pointed at teachers, police officers lynched, fatal brawls –

The New Hyperviolence

Anthropology of day-to-day savagery

Denial, abandonment and powerlessness of the State

On 13 February this year, France’s Interior Minister, Gérard Collomb, gave an informal interview to Valeurs Actuelles, which the magazine has only just published now, no doubt in response to the renewed public discussion of “sécurité”. Translation below, with the magazine interviewer’s words shown in italics:

In your heart of hearts, how do you judge the security situation in France?

It’s very worrying. What I read every morning in notes from the police reflects a very pessimistic situation. The relations between people are very hard, people don’t want to live together…

To what extent is immigration responsible for this?

Enormously so. It’s for that reason that, with Emmanuel Macron, we wanted to change the law…

Your law only attacks illegal immigration. Legal immigration allows more than 200,000 people into the country each year…

It’s true. We’re doing it bit by bit. But that remains a problem…

You think there is no more need for immigration in France?

Yes, absolutely.

You were speaking of vivre ensemble [living together] just now. What is happening?

Communities in France are engaging in conflict with one another more and more and it’s becoming very violent…

What are you afraid of? Partition? Secession?

Yes, I’m thinking about that, that’s what worries me.

How much time do we have before it’s too late?

I don’t want to create fear, but I think there’s very little time left.

How much?

It’s difficult to estimate, but I would say that within five years the situation could become irreversible. Yes, we have five, six years to avoid the worst. Afterwards…

Gérard Collomb resigned on October 3, saying he wanted to run for mayor of Lyon in 2020. But it is suspected that deeper differences with Macron were behind it.

On the day of his resignation he said: “Today, we live side by side. I fear that tomorrow it will be face to face.”

It seems plausible to speculate that he initially thought Macron was going to do something about problems related to immigration and crime but gave up on “Jupiter” [Macron’s nickname] when he realised he was a dud.

Diversity is becoming more organised in its attacks on the French state. Over the weekend there were calls on social network for a “Purge” on the night of Halloween. There were indeed scenes of disorder in many parts of the country, including attacks on police by masked youth in Essonne and Lyon, where Colomb was once mayor.