French Watchdog Moves to Sanction Google Over Privacy Infringements

Liam Tung
September 30, 2013

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We’re watching you.

France’s data protection watchdog is moving ahead with sanctions against Google over its new privacy policy.

CNIL (the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) said on Friday it had commenced formal procedures to sanction Google. The move comes after the search giant didn’t meet a three-month deadline the regulator set earlier this year, under which Google was asked to adjust its privacy policy in order to bring it in line with French data protection laws.

Google implemented its new policy in March last year, clearing the way for the company to merge user data gathered from 60 of its services while not offering users any way to opt out of having its data merged and used for targeted advertising. The policy drew the attention of data protection authorities across Europe, with France launching an investigation on the day the new policy came into effect, saying in a letter to the company: “Our preliminary analysis shows that Google’s new policy does not meet the requirements of the European Directive on Data Protection (95/46/CE).”

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