“Fully Vaccinated” Should Mean Having THREE Doses, CDC Vaccine Adviser Says

Related: Omicron-Specific Vax Ready by March Because First Two Doses are Useless, Pfizer Says

Lord Fauci said this months ago.

But now it’s official.

Get your third shot, even though it doesn’t do anything, other than maybe give you some terrible lifelong medical condition or possibly just kill you outright.


Three large new studies from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight the importance of getting a booster shot to provide the best protection against the Omicron coronavirus variant.

This is the first real-life data to examine the effect of boosters against Omicron, which now accounts for more than 99% of coronavirus cases in the United States. The studies, released Friday, raise the question of whether people with just two vaccine doses should still be considered fully vaccinated.

I think we have to redefine fully vaccinated as three doses,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a longtime CDC vaccine adviser who was not involved with the studies.

The studies have an enormous scope, involving millions of cases, hundreds of thousands of visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers, and tens of thousands of hospitalizations among adults.

Getting boosted was 90% effective at preventing hospitalizations during a period in December and January when Omicron was the dominant variant, according to a CDC study that looked at nearly 88,000 hospitalizations across 10 states.

In comparison, getting two shots was 57% effective when it had been at least six months past the second shot
Getting boosted was 82% effective at preventing visits to emergency rooms and urgent care centers, according to the study, which looked at more than 200,000 visits in 10 states.

In comparison, getting two shots was only 38% effective at preventing those visits when it had been at least six months past the second shot.

I think it’s the third dose that really gives you the solid, the very best protection,” Schaffner said.

It’s never going to stop.