Gabon Coup! Latest Africa Coup! All Africa for the Blacks!

Russia/China are clearly initiating an “All Africa” plan.

It’s not really possible that the US didn’t have intelligence on this. It is possible, however, that Antony Blinken never read any of the intelligence, or had any meetings about it, given that he was too busy with the Ukraine, Taiwan, and figuring out how to spin his position as Secretary of State into a successful career in a lite-rock band.


A group of uniformed Gabonese soldiers have appeared on national television to announce the dissolution of all state institutions and the cancellation of the country’s disputed elections, after longtime leader Ali Bongo was declared the winner of last week’s presidential race.

The soldiers delivered a live address early on Wednesday morning, stating they would “defend peace by putting an end to the current regime” while claiming to speak on behalf of the “Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions,” AFP news agency reported.

A spokesman for the group denounced the “irresponsible, unpredictable governance” of President Ali Bongo, claiming his 14 years in office had resulted in a “deterioration in social cohesion that risks leading the country into chaos.”

Gabon is south of Nigeria, by the way. It’s in the west of Africa, but not identified as a part of “West Africa” (geographically, it’s not in the “panhandle” or whatever you call that [it’s not the “horn,” I can tell you that much], and it’s also not formerly of ECOWAS like the others).

It looks like the Nigerians are being surrounded.


Gabonese President Ali Bongo has been placed under house arrest and is surrounded by his family and doctors, military officers waging a coup in the Central African country said on Wednesday.

Noureddin Bongo Valentin, one of the president’s sons, and other high-profile government officials, as well as some members of the ruling Gabonese Democratic Party, have also been arrested, the coup leaders said in a statement reported by AFP.

The president’s allies have been accused of “high treason against the institutions of the state, massive misappropriation of public funds, organized international financial embezzlement, forgery, falsification of the signature of the President of the Republic, active corruption, and drug trafficking,” according to the statement.

Officers of the Gabonese Armed Forces declared on Wednesday that they had taken power, annulling election results just minutes after Bongo, 64, was named the winner of the disputed presidential contest, with 64.27% of the vote.

Bongo has been in power since 2009, and previously faced a military coup attempt in 2019.

The soldiers justified the latest takeover as an effort to “defend peace by putting an end” to Bongo’s “irresponsible, unpredictable governance.”

Meanwhile, the Gabonese leader has made his first appearance in a video circulating on social media, calling on “friends around the world to make some noise” following his detention.

He confirmed that he was at his residence but claimed: “Nothing is happening. I don’t know what is going on.”

When I say Russia and China are doing this, I mean that they are obviously coordinating it and helping behind the scenes with organization. Russia, particularly, is involved in that, and specifically Wagner.

It’s very obvious to anyone paying attention that the reason Putin let Prigozhin live – and let him maintain his organization – after his own “coup” thing was that he was running the Africa file. That’s obviously also why someone recently blew up his plane.

What I’m not saying is that Africans like being ruled by the French, that they like the gay anal programs of America, or that they don’t like doing coups.

Trying to do “democracy” in Africa was always goofy and bizarre, and it was only remotely feasible because the West was pouring money into these countries.

“Democracy” is not even the preferred system of white people. No one likes this system. No one likes the gay stuff, other than gays and women, and the only countries that will tolerate it long term are ones with zero masculinity. Countries that still have masculinity will start calling for strongmen to rise up and overthrow the government.

I stand with the blacks in their struggle against the Western ZOG anal powers.