Gainesville: Antifa Bougie Bar Offers Free Beer In Exchange For Unused Spencer Tickets

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 19, 2017

So Gainesville Antifa microbrewery Tall Paul’s got a novel idea for protecting the local idiocratic order: offer college students free beer for tickets to Richard Spencer’s speech.

Now an adult would hear about an event on the local University of Florida campus that they’re not interested in and simply not go. After all, every college aged alt-right guy has to deal with “deconstructing whiteness” seminars and tolerate organized communists occupying all the public spaces.

But at Tall Paul’s, they plan to give fellow J-leftists a frothy glass of liquid estrogen as a reward for taking away tickets from someone who isn’t a mental midget and might want to engage in political discourse with an alternative intellectual.

Not everyone has their ticket honored, however. Cameron Padgett, one of the guys organizing Spencer’s event, had his tickets rejected and was forcefully thrown out by the dirtbag bartenders.

ABC News:

A Florida brewing company is offering free beer to those who boycott a speech by white nationalist Richard Spencer scheduled to take place at the University of Florida on Thursday.

Alligator Brewing instructed people to trade in their tickets at Tall Paul’s Brew House for a free draft beer. The tickets will then be disposed of, “leaving two more empty seats in the Philips Center,” the brewery wrote on Instagram.

“Here at Alligator we believe free speech is a cornerstone of our great nation,” the company said in a statement posted to Instagram. “Speech that condones, let alone promotes racial supremacy has no home in America. And it sure as hell doesn’t have a home here in our beautiful town.”

The tickets are free and available to be picked up on the day of the event, The Independent Florida Alligator reported.

“We unfortunately can’t stop [Spencer] from bringing his hate to Gainesville, but we can empty the room so his disgusting message goes unheard,” the brewery wrote.

So the J-left – once known for its big brains – has been reduced to know-nothing boneheads. They don’t have an argument or an intellectual defense for the status quo they gatekeep or profit from, they just act like neurotic puritanical sissies and throw sucker punches when you’re not looking.

The problem is the corporate media – thankfully dying – is all too happy to oblige this publicity stunt with a national platform.

Tall Paul’s already has a moderately low rating on Yelp. Lots of complaints about their staff being arrogant scumbags and making college kids pay $10 bucks for a lousy “cocktail.”

Students want a pool table, mozzarella sticks and $6 dollar Svedka-shot-with-a-Bud specials, not overpriced “craft beer” made by pretentious hipster faggots. Especially not when each $12 dollar “libation” comes with a side of Jewish busybody activism.

If you agree with me and happen to frequent Tall Paul’s, make sure to leave a review expressing your outrage at their hatred for intellectual debate, free speech, and people who aren’t J-left trust fund assholes.

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