Generation Zyklon: Students Chant “Make America Straight Again!” While Fags Put On Grotesque Display

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
September 26, 2017

According to Jews and LGBTPs, the First Amendment doesn’t protect you from the “consequences” of your speech. What they’re talking about is getting you fired, taking away every available platform for your speech, and committing acts of physical violence against you.

This “consequences of your speech” has become a media chant during the shutdown following Charlottesville.

At the same time, the same groups and talking heads say that responding to gay propaganda in the public square with peaceful disagreement is “hate speech” – not allowed!

Now students at a Kansas high school who responded to “Make America Gay Again” with “Make America Straight Again” are being lambasted by Jewish journalists all over the world.

Here is (((Ariel Zilber’s))) sensationalist, political take on this non-story.

Daily Mail:

A group of homophobic high school students chanted ‘Make America straight again’ and threw candy and dirt at classmates during a homecoming parade in Kansas, it was reported on Saturday.

A parent of one member of the Gay-Straight Alliance at Olathe Northwest High School in Olathe, Kansas says that her daughter came home saddened on Thursday and that a number of teens were crying as a result of the taunting, according to KMBC-TV.

‘What was supposed to be fun and joyous and celebratory and inclusive, turned out to be ugly,’ said the mother, who identified herself as Missy.

She said that her daughter had been anticipating the event for days, even decorating the house with LGBT rainbow flags in anticipation, WDAF-TV reported.

Though most of the parade was without incident, things turned ugly when a small group of students began to heckle.

When her daughter came home, she told Missy: ‘Mom, it was awful. They were saying awful, ugly things and calling us names.’

‘They were chanting, “Make America straight again”. She was very sad and deflated, and she said several members of the group were crying,’ Missy said.

After the incident, the school district informed parents that it would investigate the matter.

In an email to parents, a school official said that the incident wasn’t witnessed by teachers or staff.

‘We didn’t see it, if we’d seen it, we would’ve stopped it immediately,’ Assistant Superintendent Erin Dugan said.

‘Kids do a nice job of doing things when the adults aren’t watching. They know our expectations.

‘Kindness and compassion and acceptance, we need to send a strong message to our students that this isn’t acceptable,’ said Dugan.

So not everyone was cheering and applauding for the Backdoor Boys – where’s the crime?

Is every single person Olathe Northwest High School supposed to aggressively applaud disgusting queer exhibitionists who just can’t keep their gross sexual activity behind closed doors like normal people do?

Who do they think they are, Benjamin Netanyahu in Congress?