George Soros, Barack Obama and Eric Holder Walk into a Bar in Ferguson…

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
January 21, 2015

Matthias: We waited for you, Neville, so you could see this: The end. The end of all you done. You see, none of it was real. It was illusion. Your art, your science, it was all a nightmare. And now it’s done. Finished. – The Omega Man


So George Soros spends $33 million to fund the Ferguson protests.[George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action: Liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups that emboldened activists, Washington Times, 1-15-15]

This was after Barack Obama sent three members of his administration to the state funeral of Michael Brown in Ferguson, thereby publicly siding with the ‘Gentle Giant’ (silently castigating Officer Darren Wilson by his actions). [President Obama sending three White House officials to Michael Brown’s funeral: Leading the group for Monday’s service will be the chairman of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, Broderick Johnson., New York Daily News, 8-24-14]

Of course, before George Soros could spend the $33 million, Attorney General Eric “My People” Holder went on a spiritual pilgrimage to Ferguson to cleanse his soul of whatever was left of his attachment to anything connected to ‘whiteness’. [Eric Holder: ‘I’m the attorney general of the US. But I am also a black man, The Guardian, 8-20-14]

Though Soros’ $33 million investment in the Ferguson protesters was unknown until recently, the investment by the Obama Administration and the Eric Holder-led Department of Justice into the “Farce in Ferguson” was quite known.

And because of the Obama Administration and Holder’s Department of Justice investment in Michael Brown’s innocence in Ferguson, those white people in the roughly 70 percent black city decided to buy up firearms to protect themselves, their property, and businesses.  [Ferguson on edge: Guns fly off shop shelves in case of ‘John Wayne shootout’, Washington Times, 11-12-13]:

Gun sales in Ferguson and surrounding areas have increased by 50 percent in recent weeks, as residents and law enforcement alike prepare for what might come from the grand jury’s ruling of Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot teenage Michael Brown. “So maybe I get trapped here or something and have to have a John Wayne shootout,” said Dan McMullen, the owner of an insurance agency located near the site of the August shooting death of BrownCNN reported. “That’s the silly part about it: Is that going to happen? Not a chance. But I guess, could it? I’m the only white person here.’

Alright: why rehash all of this?

Because the Washington Post refuses to acknowledge that more than 90 percent of those arrested for weapons offenses in the city of St. Louis (since 1999) have been black.[Guns sales spiked after the Ferguson unrest. Will gun crime rise as well?: More firearms are on the streets now — and, for some, that means more gun crime., 1-7-15]:

The firearms have been flying at County Guns. Located just a few miles from Ferguson, Mo., this small gun shop has seen a flood of customers looking to buy that first handgun or maybe a backup Glock for the car or Mossberg shotgun for home protection.

“We have sold a boatload of guns in the last few months,” owner Adam Weinstein said.

Other gun shops near Ferguson have reported similar firearm frenzies. By every measure Missouri’s gun sales have spiked since Aug. 9, when a white policeman shot and killed a unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, an incident that touched off continued protests and sporadic violence – and fed fear about personal protection.

Today, without doubt, there are many more firearms in and around Ferguson. More handguns. More shotguns. More assault-style rifles.

So what will the effect of all these new firearms be?

“I would expect some uptick in gun violence,” said Daniel Webster, professor and director of Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research.

He doesn’t know how soon it will happen. Or how big the increase will be. But he believes the additional gun sales will have tragic repercussions.

Funny: hammers have tragic repercussions. Just ask Zemir Begic.

White people bought guns throughout the St. Louis region because they correctly perceived a federal government – whose chief officer of the executive branch and attorney general of the Department of Justice both decided to side with Michael Brown in very public fashions – shockingly siding with the Ferguson mob.

Which, we would find out later, enjoyed $33 million from George Soros.

So the Washington Post believes the purchasing of guns by white people to protect themselves from the hate-filled Ferguson lynch mob (which the Obama Administration sided with…) will somehow increase gun violence in St. Louis in 2015, when virtually all fatal and nonfatal gun crime in the St. Louis metro-area is committed by blacks…

Of course, any plan to confront black criminality (more police) is protested by the same Ferguson-influenced protesters who were financed to the tune of $33 million by George Soros… [Justice for Michael Brown group protests plan to hire more police, Fox2Now, 1-15-15]:

While Mayor Francis Slay is pushing to hire more police officers, one group took to the steps inside city hall in opposition of the plan.

Members of the Justice for Michael Brown Leadership Coalition believe hiring more police would equal harassment for low-income residents and minorities.

“More police only means increased targeting of poor people and people of color,” said Zaki Baruti, head of the coalition. “We oppose any increase in police power or numbers.”

At a news conference Thursday following a recent wave of violence that claimed the lives of six people, Mayor Slay spoke of a desire to hire upwards of 160 new officers to patrol the streets.

The Justice for Michael Brown group did not get to meet with Mayor Slay, but vowed to present him with its written opposition to hiring more law enforcement.

“The solution to crime in this community is jobs, jobs, jobs,” Baruti said. “Take that $8 million and instead of hiring 160 police officers, hire 160 black youth that need jobs out here and then you’ll prevent crime.”

Funny: didn’t George Soros employ far more than 160 black youth with his $33 million investment in the Justice for Michael Brown movement? That’s more than four times the paltry amount the white taxpayers of St. Louis could be fleeced to ensure the budget for 160 more cops could be met…