German Defence League Take Action to Highlight Murders of White Youths by Savage Hordes

Europe News
March 24, 2014

Daniel Siefert was murdered in his own homeland in a hateful attack from a Non-White, because he showed moral courage and tried to settle a dispute.

Last weekend the German Defence League staged a campaign against the intentional murder of German youngsters by immigrants. Especially the case of Daniel Siefert was heartbreaking. To memorize Daniel’s death they adjusted street signs with his name at several places and squares in German cities. Here is what the GDL has to say about it:

Daniel Siefert was a son, a brother, a family member, a friend, a colleague.

Daniel Siefert was a young German and a Christian.

Daniel was born June, 11, 1987 – Daniel died March, 14, 2013

On 10th March 2013, Daniel was brutally kicked and intentionally murdered; on March 14th the hospital took the decision to pull the life support that was keeping him alive.

Daniel Siefert RIP.
Daniel Siefert RIP.

Daniel was killed because he wanted to settle a dispute and showed moral courage. He was only 25 years old.

But Daniel is not an isolated case. He is one out of hundreds of victims in Germany. Daniel was senselessly and brutally murdered just because he was German, and because an immigrant felt offended; a hate crime took place just because he was German.

Later on, on social networks, the murderers’ friends mocked the act and the victim.

Several people were involved, but only one perpetrator was sentenced so far.

The prosecution assumed a specific intent to kill, and the court sentenced the murderer to a prison term of 5 years and 9 months, only.

Daniel’s life is only worth a 5 years sentence !

This is a great idea.

According to the prosecutor, “Cihan took five meter start and jumped on Daniel’s back with an “inhuman intent to kill”. Daniels head was slammed against the bus, he fell to the ground, and hit his head on the street. He remained unconscious on the asphalt. But Cihan was not satisfied yet, at least once he further stomped onto his victim lying on the ground. ”

The main culprit

According to witnesses, Chihan A. phoned a buddy telling him to come over to the railway station, saying: “take everything with you, weapons and people, we will put an end to this, my way.”

Then the defendant proudly said to the people on the bus: “stay put, for you this is your last stop”.

“When Daniel stopped moving, Cihan shouted: ” He is dead! I’ve fucked life, he had to pay with his life! ” As a matter of fact, Daniel being critically injured died four days later in a hospital.

On Facebook, the victim was further scoffed by young Turks who called him a Nazi.

Ali E. writes on his account: “A bastard Nazi less in Weyhe that’s super”

Hussein writes perfidiously: “Cihan wouldn’t have thought this to be the end, it’s just your filthy nature that forces us to act like this, you Nazis.”

Ali E. writes back: “Fuck all Germans and Bild tabloids”.

The signs probably stayed up for quite a while before they were taken down.

Daniel’s funeral had to take place under heavy police protection. His memorial site and grave were desecrated several times.

The Antifa mocked the murder victim at the memorial service.

After the brutal murder, a round table against “right wing extremists” was established. The murderers were Turks, therefore, they were probably racists!

How many more young people have to be killed out of hatred against Germans, Christians and unbelievers in this country, before politicians will respond?

Why are people allowed to kill our children and then be acquitted?

Why do murderers and death-causing stomping offenders get sentenced with a ridiculous 5 years imprisonment?

How many more people have to die, sacrificed on the altar of failed multicultural policies?

All citizens and politicians should wake up!

It can happen to anyone! One look is enough! Just one word ….

Go to the streets and show your true colours, speak up against the murders of innocent children and young people of this country!

You owe it to your children and their descendants.