German Nutrition Society Reassesses Veganism, Now Recommends It for Vulnerable Populations

Vegans are a tiny part of the population, and most of them don’t even have kids because of cow farts, but somehow most baby starvation cases are vegan in nature

Could Germany get any gayer?

This is not safe. Veganism is proven unsafe. No one thinks it is safe.

Plant Based News:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE), the German Nutrition Society, just updated its position on plant-based diets to acknowledge their benefits for human health and the environment.

DGE says that in its reassessment of vegan nutrition, it considered “all four target dimensions” of a sustainable diet – health, the environment, social benefits, and animal welfare – with a particular focus on its benefits to human health and the environment.

Key takeaways from DGE’s reassessment include an endorsement of fully plant-based diets as “health-promoting” for the general population, providing they are “well-planned.”

Previously, DGE also said that plant-based diets were “not recommended” for vulnerable populations (infants, seniors, pregnant people, and so on), whereas now it neither recommends nor rejects a vegan diet for these demographics.

Finally, DGE celebrated the potential for vegan diets to minimize the environmental impact of food production, specifically when compared with traditional animal-derived foods.

You people are supposed to be nutritionists, not cow fart experts.

This shouldn’t even be taken into consideration even if the climate hoax weren’t a hoax at all.

“Compared to the mixed diet currently common in Germany, which includes a high proportion of animal foods, a vegan diet is to be considered more environmentally friendly,” writes DGE. “Especially due to the great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Germany’s dietary guidelines update places vegan foods ‘front-and-center’

Plant-based advocacy NGO ProVeg International welcomed the update, with International Nutrition and Health Lead Anna-Lena Klapp describing it as a “new era.”

“It takes vegan diets out of the shadows of the policy debate and places them front-and-center instead. We are delighted that this position has been published and we expect it to influence similar bodies around the world,” said Klapp.

Anna-Lena Klapp

Back in April, DGE published updated dietary guidelines that recommended eating at least 75 percent plant-based foods. That announcement was celebrated for its move away from high-impact animal foods like meat and dairy but criticized for not going further.

These vegans kill babies. They would kill as many babies as the Jews if they got their way.

It’s not good.