Germany: Activists Apologize to the Jews for Using Alleged Holocaust Remains in Anti-German Display

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2019

You have to be careful with these Jews.

You might think you’re helping them and their virulent agenda, and then they end up attacking you and forcing you to apologize for trying to help them.


An activist group has apologized to Jewish organizations outraged over their use of purported Holocaust victims’ remains in an installation outside Germany’s parliament building meant to draw attention to the perils of far-right extremism.

The Center for Political Beauty, a Germany-based activist group known for provocative stunts, installed an urn outside the Reichtstag building on Monday, saying it contained victims’ remains that it had unearthed from 23 locations near Nazi death and concentration camps in Germany, Poland and Ukraine. Soil the group said contained the remains could be seen in the transparent orange urn, about the size of an oil drum, set atop a metal pillar.

Following the uproar from Jewish organizations decrying the stunt as an instrumentalization of the Holocaust and an affront to the dead, the group apologized and by Thursday morning the urn had been wrapped in opaque black plastic so its contents could not be seen.

“We want to apologize especially to Jewish institutions, associations and individuals who see our work as disturbing or touching the peace of the dead according to Jewish religious law,” the group said on its website in a post late Wednesday.

Yeah, the last thing the Jews want is people digging up the supposed mass graves of the alleged Holocaust.

They don’t even want to get anywhere close to anyone even thinking about that.

Right now, it is still illegal to dig at any of these sites. The ostensible reason is that Jews don’t believe in moving their dead after they’ve been buried. The actual reason is that the mass graves do not exist.

I’m sure there are some graves, but there are not the remains of six million Jews in them, because that is a total hoax.

The International Red Cross put the total deaths at the Poland camps at under 300,000.